Scientific Research on Acupuncture

With the development and deeper understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the West, there has been an increasing trend toward the concept of combining Western and Eastern medicine in future models of a comprehensive healthcare system. As one component of TCM, Acupuncture has become a legal medical practice sought out by millions of healthcare consumers. Clinical research has also provided sound scientific evidence of the advantages and efficacy of Acupuncture treatment in a wide variety of conditions.
Acupuncture Anesthesia
Pain relief through Acupuncture is the most frequently treated complaint. In fact Acupuncture first came to the attention of the American public when a patient underwent brain surgery with only Acupuncture anesthesia, consciously talking to the surgeon throughout the operation. Acupuncture has continually fascinated the American public. With further medical investigation and clinical research, the mechanism of Acupuncture as a means of stopping pain has become clear and is explained below as follows:
Stimulation of Acupuncture points can suppress or reduce pain signals in certain areas of the body. Acupuncture can activate the regulatory system of pain sensation within the brain, and elevate the pain threshold. Acupuncture can also promote the secretion of various analgesic transmitters of the central nervous system such as 5-TH, noradrenalin, and morphine-like substances.
In Chinese medicine, pain is viewed as an obstruction in the body. When there is pain, there is obstruction of Qi and blood. The mechanisms of stopping pain, therefore, are to dissolve blood stasis and promote Qi circulation. Acupuncture points are selected according to the distribution of the meridians to treat pain conditions, such as headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, neck pain, back pain (lumbago,) joint pain and other diseases of the nervous or musculoskeletal system. Acupuncture points can also be employed to treat pain of specific organs, such as that caused by pancreatitis, cholecystitis, appendicitis, stomach disorders, and heart diseases. Through the analysis of the body’s constitution, the doctor can select the appropriate method (to tonify, sedate, or supplement with moxibustion) according to the different diseases and symptoms the patient exhibits.
For instance, Zu San Li (ST36) can be used to treat stomachache. Acupuncture can also help ease pain from kidney stones, while Chinese herbal medicine can aid in the excretion of the stones. If the kidney stones cause infection, antibiotics or surgery can be combined with TCM therapies. Neck pain or lower back pain caused by herniation of the intervertebral disc should be carefully analyzed and observed for the degree and position of the compression. Acupuncture and Tuna/Acupressure can be used along with surgery, if necessary, for pain relief.
Respiratory System Diseases
Acupuncture’s efficacy is not clinically limited to pain management. Clinical research has shown that certain Acupuncture points can enhance pulmonary function in respiratory diseases. In using Acupuncture points Zu San Li (ST36), Li Dui (ST45), Chong Yang (ST42), Zhong Wan (Ren12) increased vital capacity, maximized ventilating volume, and increased oxygen intake were observed. Applying Acupuncture or moxibustion to Gao Huang (UB43) and Zu San Li (ST36) has been shown to enhance the body’s immune function in the treatment of the common cold, cough, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Acupuncture points He Gu (LI4), Yu Ji (LU10), Da Zhu (UB11), and Ding Chuan can resolve spasm of the bronchia, and moxibustion with ginger can stimulate the lymphocyte transformation factor and decrease the alexins C3 and C4.
Acupuncture has also been successful in the reducing certain cases of asthma attacks, however, in an acute attack of asthma, Western pharmaceutical intervention should be immediately employed to control symptoms. Additionally, when the severe complication of infection is present, the use of antibiotics is vital. If asthma is induced by allergies, it is necessary to locate the allergen and adopt proper preventive measures. However, the therapeutic effect of Acupuncture in chronic lung illnesses is undoubtedly valuable. Promoting immune function and improving the pulmonary ventilation function are the most effective tactics of reducing and postponing acute asthma attacks.
Cardiovascular Diseases
Acupuncture point Nei Guan (PC6) has been shown to relieve tachycardia and irregular heart beat. This is also an important Acupuncture point to treat arrhythmia caused by coronary heart disease, hypertension, rheumatic heart disease, myocarditis, myocardosis, or vegetative nerve function disturbance. Acupuncture treatment for coronary heart disease also increases cardiac function, improves left heart ejection function, increases cardiac output, helps recover heart muscle tissue and lessens the impact of myocardial ischemia.
Clinical results show that Nei Guan (PC6) and Xi Men (PC4) will help promote the recovery of the injured cardiac muscle, improve contraction of the cardiac muscle, decrease oxygen intake of the heart muscle, promote the bilateral circulation of the coronary artery, and increase the energy supply of the cardiac muscle. Clinical studies have shown that Ge Shu (UB17), Zu San Li (ST36), and Wei Shu (UB21) all to a certain extent, improve the function of the heart muscle.
in patients with cerebrovascular diseases, Acupuncture has been shown to improve resistance rheoencephaogram (REG), blood rheology, and microcirculation dysfunction. Post cerebral thrombosis, patients can benefit from scalp Acupuncture which will cause dilation of blood vessels to the brain, decrease the peripheral resistance and increase blood flow volume. For those with early stage cerebral arteriosclerosis, Acupuncture points Nei Guan (PC6) and He Gu (LI4) can improve the waveform, dichotic wave, wave amplitude, major peak angle and the flow-in time.
Hypertension is quite commonly treated with Acupuncture, and Acupuncture point Zu San Li (ST36) has been clinically shown to lower both diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Acupuncture regulates the cardiovascular function and metabolism of hypertension patients, which results in the decrease of peripheral resistance and improvement of cardiac function and REG. Acupuncture to Ren Zhong (DU26) can help recovery from hypotension and can be used as an anti-shock measure in the clinic. The anti-shock function is largely related to the function of Acupuncture in improving cardiac function and the blood flow volume to the internal organs. Moxibustion applied to Acupuncture point Guan Yuan (Ren4) increases oxygen and therefore has a preventive factor for aggravated hypoxia and helps delay the development of shock.
Acupuncture can also activate the function of liver cells, improve the energy capability of internal organs, improve the substance metabolism of the cardiac muscles and increase the energy supply of the cardiac muscle in a shock condition. In the clinic, the treatment of cardiovascular disease should be based on strict laboratory examination. EKG, REG, CT and other related examinations are all necessary. For patients with severe myocardial ischemia or patients with acute cerebral embolism, emergency medical attention is very important. Chinese herbal medicine is very helpful in improving blood supply, decreasing intra-cranial pressure, and removing blood stasis and blockage. Using Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine along with western medicine has obvious therapeutic effects.
Diseases of the Digestive System
Acupuncture has been shown to be equally successful in the treatment of digestive system disorders. Zu San Li (ST36), Xia Ju Xu (ST39) and Wei Shu (UB21) have been shown capable of protecting stomach mucus and thus clinically applicable in the treatment and prevention of gastric ulcers. In the treatment of acute perforated peptic ulcer, Acupuncture can be used to relieve pain and promote the closure of the perforation. Acupuncture point Zu San Li (ST36) can increase immune function by elevating the levels of immunoglobulin, total serum alexin, serum bactericidal power, and serum lysozyme. Acupuncture has also had favorable results on the local intestinal environment by suppressing overactive peristalsis and promoting intestinal blood vessel dilation, thereby increasing blood flow and promoting the healing of intestinal illnesses. For example, irritable bowel syndrome is a common digestive tract disorder related to the dysfunction of the digestive track and nervous system. Since Acupuncture is capable of regulating the dysfunction of vegetative nerve function, improving immune system function and boosting blood supply, it, along with Herbal medicine and moxibustion has an appropriate therapeutic effect.
In China, using an integrated approach of both TCM and Western medical intervention in the treatment of cholelithiasis is quite common. In the treatment of bilestones in the gallbladder, Acupuncture with electrical stimulation applied to the right side of the body on points Ri Yue (GB24) and Qi Men (LV14) accompanied by oral intake of MgSO4 has shown a 78.4% stone efflumium rate. Electrical stimulation is not favorable in conditions such as edema and hyperplasia of the bile tract wall, hydrops and empyema of the bile duct, fibrosis of the lower portion of the billary tract, cicatricial contracture, diverticulum or with stones of significant size.
For cases where billary tract infection is also present, Acupuncture, Herbal medicine and antibiotics are always combined. The mechanism of Acupuncture stone efflumium can be concluded as follows:
The first stage: upon needling, increased bile production, contraction of the gall bladder, and enhanced muscle tension of Oddi’s sphincter. This stage is the stage of increasing inner pressure of the bile tract.
The second stage: after removal of needles, Oddi’s sphincter starts to relax to allow stone efflumium.
Diseases of the Urinary System
Diseases of the urinary system can be treated using Acupuncture. Zhao Hai (KD 6) and Yin Gu (KD10) can increase diuretic function, while Jin Men (UB63) and Fu Liu (KD7) have been shown to suppress the diuretic function. San Yin Jiao (SP6) and Kun Lun (UB60) can change the peristaltic condition of the ureter. Weak stimulation can slow peristalsis and strong stimulation can increase the ureter’s peristalsis.
Acupuncture points Pang Guan Shu (UB28), Ci Liao (UB32), Guang Yuan (Ren 4) and Zhong Ji (Ren 3) will promote contraction of the bladder, while Acupuncture to Shen Shu (UB23) will suppress its function. According to clinical studies, Acupuncture treatments are effective in the treatment of urine retention, dysuria due to various causes such as enlargement of the prostate, caudal equina injury, and mild paralysis of the lower limbs. Acupuncture points Pang Guan Shu (UB28), Ci Liao (UB32), and Zhong Ji (Ren 3) with strong stimulation will increase bladder tension and thus cause urination. Applying moxibustion to Guan Yuan (Ren 4), Qi Hai (Ren 6), and Ming Men (DU 4) can cause an increase of pubovesical muscle’s electric potential and increase urination.
Enuresis (bedwetting), a common problem in pediatrics, can be treated through Tui-Na/Acupressure applied to Acupuncture points Shen Shu (UB23), San Yin Jiao (SP6), Yong Quan (KD1) and the sacral region where the nerve plexus is located to promote nerve function and the contraction of the detrusor urinae of the bladder.
For urinary stones, Acupuncture treatment will suppress renal colic and help promote excretion of the stone. The therapeutic effect will be significantly improved if combined with herbal medicine. Magnetic external lithotrity, when combined with Herbal medicine and Acupuncture has been shown to have an increased therapeutic effect in the treatment of larger stones by reducing colic during excretion.
Diseases of the Reproductive System
Acupuncture points Zhong Ji (Ren 3), Guan Yuan (Ren 4), Zi Gong Xue, and San Yin Jiao (Sp 6) have been shown to help promote ovulation and therefore are often used clinically for anovulatory menstruation and uniphasic basal temperature anovulatory sterility. Acupuncture points Zu San Li (ST36), and Ying Ling Quan (SP9) have been shown to increase progesterone levels to prevent threatened miscarriage and faulty endometrial hyperplastic sterility due to low progesterone levels.
It has also been reported that Acupuncture points Da He (KD12), Qu Gu (Ren 2), and San Yin Jiao (SP6), while applying moxibustion with ginger to Guan Yuan (Ren 4), Zhong Ji (REN 3), and Ming Men (DU 4) can treat infertility due to spermacreasia, asthenospermia, and cacospermia. Acupuncture can also increase the quantity of HcG and testosterone. Thus, Acupuncture promotes the maturity and storage of sperm through adjusting the secretion of sex hormones and thereby maintaining normal reproductive conditions.
Acupuncture points He Gu (LI4), San Yin Jiao (SP6), Guan Yuan (Ren 4), and Qu Gu (Ren 2) have been shown to effectively increase the contraction of the uterus and reduce labor pains. Moxibustion applied to Zhi Yin (UB67) has also been clinically effective in the treatment of breech presentations. Acupuncture points Zu San Li (ST36), San Yin Jiao (SP6) and Guan Yuan (Ren 4) will decrease female E2 levels and increase the quantity of progesterone or testosterone. Hence, it is employed in the treatment of hyperplasia of mammary glands, hysteromyoma, and oophoritic cyst.
In IVF treatment of infertility, adding Acupuncture and herbal medicine along with Western medication can help promote ovulation. For men, Acupuncture and herbal medicine will enhance the agility and quantity of the sperm, therefore increasing the chance of pregnancy. For the female with spasm of the fallopian tubes due to tension or anxiety, Acupuncture can aid in alleviating spasms and increasing peristalsis. Since Acupuncture and Herbal medicine can augment progesterone levels, they can induce the growth of the endometrium to a suitable condition for the embedding of the fertilized ovum. Clinically, warming herbs and moxibustion after ovulation are vital to enhance the probability of pregnancy for those who have repeated failed IVF treatments. Integration of both Chinese medicine and Western medicine has been shown to significantly increase the chances for success during fertility treatments.
Hematopathy and Metabolic Disorders
Clinically, Acupuncture has been used in the treatment of thrombocytopenic purpura, aplastic anemia, and leukopenia after radiotherapy or chemotherapy for many years. Tapping Ren Ying (ST9) with a seven-star needle will elevate the quantity of blood platelets, and shorten bleeding and clotting time. Acupuncture points Nei Guan (PC 6), He Gu (LI 4), and Zu San Li (ST 36) will increase the quantity of hemoglobin, and moxibustion to San Yin Jiao (SP6) will strengthen red blood cells. Acupuncture and moxibustion applied to Ge Shu (UB17) and Gao Huang Shu (UB 43) can apparently increase red blood cells and the reticulocyte of the peripheral blood.
Acupuncture points, Zu San Li (ST 36), Da Zhui (DU 14) and He Gu (LI 4), have been shown to increase the count of white blood cells, particularly neutrophils. Post Acupuncture treatment, the phagocytic activity of white blood cells is dramatically reinforced. Acupuncture also has a regulatory function to the nonspecific lipase of the granulocyte, ACP, ATPase, MAO, and monoamine substance.
Clinical studies show that when blood sugar levels are abnormal, Acupuncture is capable of restoring them to normal levels. This is a biphasic function; hence, it can be used in the treatment of either diabetes or hypoglycemia. Post Acupuncture treatment, the blood viscosity of diabetic patients demonstrates an obvious turn for the better. Simultaneously, packed cell volume and blood sedimentation and its equation k value all decrease significantly. Acupuncture points Zu San Li (ST 36) and Nei Guan (PC 6) help reduce serum cholesterol, triglycerides and Beta lipoprotein, elevate HDL cholesterol, and reduce the surface of the atherosis pigmentation and serum lipid.
Acupuncture treatment for obesity involves auricular needles on the points for Stomach, Ear Shen Men, and the Hunger point. This treatment helps influence sugar metabolism and thus decreases fasting blood insulin levels, and reduces appetite and hunger sensation. Furthermore, applying moxibustion to Ming Men can elevate the synthetic ration of DNA and according to TCM diagnosis, this is the correct clinical treatment approach for Yang deficient patients.
Diseases of the Immune System
Acupuncture has been shown to increase serum alexin content, immunoglobulin, and the phagocytic function of the macrophages. The Acupuncture points used are Zu San Li (ST 36), Tian Shu (ST25), Da Zhui (DU14), Qu Chi (LI11), Shi Qi Zhui and Zhi Yang (DU 9). Mild stimulation of San Yin Jiao (SP6) for a period of thirty minutes has been shown to increase lymphocyte counts, lymphocyte transformation factors and the activity of T-cells. All these constitute Acupuncture’s ability to boost the immune system. Hence, in the clinic, Acupuncture can be used in the control of infections such as:
- allergic diseases such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
- auto-immune disorders such as in the non-symptomatic HbsAg carrier (by means of moxibustion applied to Zu San Li (ST36), Qi Hai (REN6) and Da Zhui (DU14)
- immune deficiency diseases such as AIDS, where the primary treatment principle is to apply moxibustion to Guan Yuan (Ren 4) and Zu San Li (ST 36)
Lastly, Acupuncture has been shown to enhance the immune function for cancer patients, who have undergone chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Acupuncture points San Yin Jiao (SP6) and Zu San Li (ST36) have been shown to be capable of raising WBC and T-cell counts, and increase the phagocytic function of the macrophages toward cancer cells.
Disorders of the Endocrine System
Acupuncture points Tian Tu (Ren 22) and Qi She (St11) can increase the storage and utilization of iodine, and therefore have a therapeutic effect in the treatment of endemic goiter. Moxibustion with monkshood cake on the points Tan Zhong (Ren 17), Zhong Wan , Guan Yuan (Ren 4) and Da Zhui (Du 14), Shen Shu (UB23), and Ming Men (DU4) on alternating treatments can not only improve thyroid function but also regulate the body’s immune system for conditions such as Hashimoto’s Stoma. Acupuncture treatment for hyperthyroidism has been shown to effectively control clinical symptoms by lowering the BMR, improving circulatory kinetic condition, correcting hyperactive thyroid function, and returning the overactive thyroid hormones to normal levels. The primary point acupuncture point used for this purpose is Qi Ying (extra point).
Clinical research has shown that Acupuncture applied to point Zu San Li (ST36) for a period of three to five days, increases the secretion activity of both the adrenal cortex and medulla and the activity of AKP , while decreasing the ascorbic acid and glycogen content of the cortical zona fasciculate and zona reticularis. In the adrenal medulla, the increase of nor-adrenaline cells, increase of cytoplasmic reaction and mild increase of adrenaline cells have been observed. Acupuncture (with proper stimulation) will cause the increase of the activity of the hypothsis-adrenal cortex and sympathetic trunk-adrenal medulla systems. In order to effectively produce cortex hormones, laboratory tests have shown that the length of time time of electrical stimulation should be minimal.
Diseases of the Nervous System
Electrocardiograms (ECG) have shown that Acupuncture applied along the heart meridian is effective in treating patients with grand mal epilepsy. The application of electrical stimulation to Hua Tou Jia Ji points in the treatment of sequelae of poliomyelitis has been shown to increase the rate of effectiveness of the treatment over treatment without Acupuncture by up to 96%. More recently Acupuncture point Yi Feng (SJ17) has also been shown to have similar effect.
Acupuncture on the auricular points for the Heart and Shen Men, along with Zu San Li (ST36) has been shown to relieve tension of the nervous system and is used to treat stress, tension, and depression. Acupuncture can be used in the treatment of muscle atrophy caused by peripheral nerve injuries and is widely used in facial paralysis to activate the reticular structure of the brain stem, promote excitation of the central facial nerve, and thus result in the full recovery of facial muscles.