Herbal Tonic Ingredients & Function 膏方成分与功效 $160/ Bottle | ||
T1 Ova-essential 精血宝 | Gel/Powder 膏滋/粉 | Assisting pregnancy 助孕 |
Ingredients: Angelica, Chuanxiong, Baishao, Codonopsis pilosula, Poria,yam, Cornus officinalis, Morinda, Epimedium epimedium, Raspberry,Chinese wolfberry, Privet, Dodder, etc. 成分: 当归 川芎 白芍 熟地 党参 茯苓 山药 山萸肉 首乌 巴戟天 仙灵睥 复盆子 枸杞子 女贞子 菟丝子 鹿角霜等。 |
Efficacy: Tonify blood and regulating menstruation, assisting pregnancy,and nourishing the fetus; It is clinically used to improve the quality,of eggs and endometrium, provide nutritional requirements for pregnant,women and embryos, prevent miscarriage, and cooperate with IVF procedure,to improve the success rate of pregnancy. 功效:养血调经,助孕养胎。滋养卵巢,促进卵子发育成熟, 温养子宫受胎养胎。临床用于改善卵子和子宫内膜的质量, 提供孕妇和胚胎 早期发育的营养所需,预防流产,也配合运用于IVF疗程,提高其受孕成功率。 |
T2 Female Essence 女宝 | Gel/Powder 膏滋/粉 | Women wellness 女用养生 |
Ingredients:Ginseng, Astragalus, Angelica, Prepared Rehmannia, Dioscorea, Cornus, White Poria, Privet, Eclipta prostrata, Dodder,Curculigo, Epimedium, Morinda, etc. 成分:人参 黄芪 当归 熟地黄 淮山药 山萸肉 白茯苓 女贞子 旱莲草 菟丝子 仙茅 仙灵脾 巴戟肉等。 |
Efficacy: Regulate menstruation, tonify kidney and liver; Enhance,fertility, provide fetus nutrition. Moisturize and tighten skin,nourishing muscle and tendon. Calm the mind, strengthen memory. Anti-aging, balance immunity, improve metabolism and control weight. It is clinically used for women to prevent diseases and maintain their beauty and youth. 功效:养血调经,滋肝补肾;助孕养胎,聪脑坚骨; 润泽肌肤,濡养筋脉; 安神明目,强记益智;增强免疫,降脂护肝。 临床上用于女性四季养身防病,养颜驻春。 |
T3 Male Essence 男宝 | Gel/Powder 膏滋/粉 | Male wellness 助育,男用养生 |
Ingredients:Ginseng, Astragalus, Angelica, Chinese Dodder Seed, Schisandra, Plantain Seed, Raspberry Fruit, Tribulus Terrestris, Curculigo, Epimedium, Morinda, Desertliving Cistanche, Barbary,Wolfberry, etc. 成分:人参 黄芪 当归 菟丝子 五味子 车前子 覆盆子 沙苑蒺藜 仙茅 仙灵脾 巴戟肉 肉苁蓉 枸杞子等 |
Efficacy: Tonify kidney jing and promote sexual energy, enhance,fertility and help prostate function; Regulate skin condition and,prevent hair loss, strenghten body energy and anti-aging. 功效:温肾补虚,壮阳举坚;益精助育,固精涩尿;健腰强骨,明目聪耳;强记益智,延年益寿;增强性功能,补髓抗疲劳。临床用于男性调理,健身强体。 |
T4 Body Vitality 筋骨宝 | Gel/Powder 膏滋/粉 | Bone & tendon care 壮骨养筋 |
Ingredients: Radix Angelicae, Mulberry Parasitis, Cooked Land, Ginseng, Astragali, Papaya, Achyranthes bidentata, Morinda officinalis, Cistanche, deserticola, Cynomorium, Psoralea, Lotus Core, Lycium barbarum, Cornus,officinalis, Cuscuta, etc. 成分:独活 桑寄生 熟地 人参 黄芪 羌活 木瓜 牛膝 巴戟肉 肉苁蓉 锁阳 补骨脂 莲芯 枸杞子 山茱萸 菟丝子等。 |
Efficacy: Improves blood circulation, eases body aches and pain; Strengthens bones and muscles, protects tendons and cartilage. Clinically, it is used for the prevention of osteoporosis and,degenerative arthritis, relief of symptoms of various chronic deficiency,pains. 功效:补虚损,生精血;去风湿,壮筋骨;明目聪耳,强健腰脚;养寿生子,和悦阴阳;既济水火,百疾不生。临床用于骨质疏松症的预防,退化性关节炎的预防和症状的缓解,各类慢性虚损性痛症症状的缓解。 |
T5 Peace and Smooth 神怡膏 | Gel/Powder 膏粉/糖浆 | Relaxation, calm down, help sleep. 安神宁志 |
Ingredients:Cassia Twig, White Peony, Fresh Ginger, Liquorice, Jujube, Keel, Oyster, Wheat, Anemarrhena Rhizome, Szechuan Lovage Rhizome, Spina,Date Seed, Acorus gramineus, Pinellia Tuber, Poria, etc. 成分:桂枝 芍药 生姜 甘草 大枣 龙骨 牡蛎 淮小麦 知母 川芎 酸枣仁 石菖蒲 半夏 茯苓等。 |
Efficacy: Regulates yin and yang, strengthens immune system, balances hormones and nutrition. Provides mental peace and physical health, improves work efficiency and sleep quality, enhances sexual desire and,function. Clinically, it is used to ease the emotional symptoms such as, hysteria, obsessive compulsion, insomnia, dreaming, tension, depression,emotional instability and so on. It can also be used for improving menopause syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and so on. 功效:调阴阳,和营卫,调和肝脾,交通心肾。临床用于治疗癔病强迫、失眠梦绕、紧张沮丧、情绪不稳等情志症状,也可用于更年期综合征, 慢性疲劳综合征等等。 |
T6 Brain Nutrients 益智灵 | Syrup/Powder 膏粉/糖浆 | Talent developing, memory enhancing. 益智醒脑 |
Ingredients: Ginseng, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Dangshen, Dangshen,,Scutellaria, Acanthopanax senticosus, Angelica dahurica, Ginkgo biloba,Epimedium, Rhodiola, Puzzle, Renchuan, Ligusticum, etc. 成分:人参 丹参 党参 石菖薄 远志 刺五加 五味子 白芷 银杏叶 淫羊藿 红景天 益智仁 川芎 吴茱萸 首乌等。 |
Efficacy: Provides cerebral nutrition for talent development in children,and prevents Alzheimer’s in adults; Enhances memory and concentration, promotes synaptic development and transmission to improve brain,function; It is clinically also used to nourish the fetus to help their brain cell’s development, improve the brain activity in study and work. 功效:益气聪明,调血养精;增加脑血流量,保护脑组织;增强记忆,醒脑益智。临床用于补养胎儿精髓,提高学习和工作的大脑活力,预防老年性痴呆。 |
T7 Immune Enhance 御身宝 | Syrup/Powder 膏粉/糖浆 | Strengthen immunity function 强身防病 |
Ingredients: Ginseng, Dangshen, Astragalus, Ganoderma lucidum,,Ophiopogon, Scutellaria root, Ligustrum, Cornel, Wolfberry, Salvia,miltiorrhiza, Angelica mulberry, Poria cocos, Coix seed, Epimedium, etc. 成分:人参 党参 黄芪 灵芝 麦冬 黄芩 生地 女贞子 山莱萸 枸杞子 丹参 当归 桑寄生 茯苓 黄精 薏苡仁 淫羊藿等。 |
Efficacy: Benefiting Qi and invigorating spleen, strengthening body, strengthening immunity, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic, protecting liver and gallbladder, detoxifying and diuresis. Clinically, it is used,to improve immune function and strengthen energy to prevent diseases. It can help cancer patients get better recover from surgery, chemotherapy,and radiotherapy, and those with autoimmune diseases by adjusting their immune function. 功效:益气健脾,固表强身;增强免疫,抗炎解热;保肝利胆,排毒利尿。临床用于提高机体免疫功能,强身防病。帮助肿瘤患者在术后、化疗放疗中或恢复期的体力恢复,帮助自身免疫性疾病患者的免疫功能调理。 |
T8 Allergy Ease 抑敏灵 | Syrup/Powder 膏粉/糖浆 | Ease symptoms of allergy 抗过敏 |
Ingredients: Radix sileris, Stellaria root, Dark plum, Schisandra chinensis, Angelica dahurica, Acorus calamus, Flos Magnoliae, Chrysanthemum, Radix Rehmanniae, Xanthium sibiricum, Licorice, etc. 成分:防风 银柴胡 乌梅 五味子 白芷 菖蒲 辛夷 菊花 细辛 生地 苍耳子 甘草等。 |
Efficacy: Balancing immunity and strengthening body to prevents illnesses; Eases allergy symptoms from an over-reactive immune condition, such as hay fever, hives, allergic colitis, food allergies, eczema, and auto-immune related sicknesses. 功效:益气健脾,固表强身,调节免疫,治疗各种由于免于机制过亢导致的过敏性疾病,能有效调节机体过高的IgE水平。临床用于缓解花粉过敏、荨麻疹、过敏性结肠炎、食物过敏、小儿湿疹等免疫失调性疾病的症状。 |
T9 Beauty and Spirit 荣华膏 | Syrup/Powder 膏粉/糖浆 | Beauty&Fitness 美容养发 |
Ingredients: Radix Rehmanniae, Ginseng, White Poria Cocos, Ligustrum lucidum, Dry Lotus, Polygonum multiflorum, Poria Cocos, Achyranthes bidentata, Chinese wolfberry, Cuscuta, Psoralea, etc. 成分:生地黄 人参 白茯苓 女贞子 旱莲草 何首乌 茯苓 牛膝 当归 枸杞子 菟丝子 补骨脂等。 |
Efficacy: Promotes facial rejuvenation and provide wrinkle care; Diminishes puffiness and sagging around eyes or chin; Treats acne, sensitive and dry skin; Reduces cellulite and hair loss. 功效:紧肤除皱,润肤保湿;治疗粉刺,淡褪黑斑;生发乌发,甲沟护养;消脂融赘,抗敏消肿。临床用于美容护肤,生发养发。 |
T10 Digestion Health 健脾糖浆 | Syrup/Powder 膏粉/糖浆 | Improve digestion function 健脾顺畅 |
Ingredients: Ginseng, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, Licorice, White lentil, Yam, Lotus seed, Hawthorn, Amomum seed, Six gods koji, Malt, etc. 成分:人参 白术 茯苓 甘草 白扁豆 山药 莲子 山楂 砂仁 六神曲 麦芽等。 |
Efficacy: Tonify spleen Qi and improve digestion function. Balance the growth of probiotics and regulate immune balance. Clinically used in children with indigestion and malabsorption, anorexia, thin, deficiency, easy to get cold or allergy; It can also help the elderly to nourish the heart and lungs, invigorate the spleen and stomach, prevent colds, fatigue, indigestion or constipation. 功效:健脾益肺,消食和胃。平衡益生菌成长,调理免疫功能。临床用于儿童消化吸收不良,厌食羸瘦,多病体虚,感冒过敏;也可帮助老人濡养心肺,健运脾胃,预防感冒,顺肠通腑。 |
T11 Vitality 健力宝 | Syrup/Powder 膏粉/糖浆 | Enhance strength 增强体力 |
Ingredients: Rhodiola, Acanthopanax, Polygonum, Puzzle, Astragalus, Codonopisis, Lycium barbarum, Mulberry, Ligustrum lucidum, Schisandra, etc. 成分:红景天 刺五加 何首乌 益智仁 黄芪 党参 枸杞子 桑椹子 女贞子 五味子等。 |
Efficacy: Optimize brainpower and enhance physical strength. Clinical use as nutritional supplements for long-term mental and physical exhaustion and it can also strengthen the energy for body and brain.< 功效:优化脑力,增強体力。临床用于长期脑力体力耗损者的营养补充,强身健脑。 |
T12 Health Longevity 福康寿 | Syrup/Powder 膏粉/糖浆 | Achieving prolongs life 体智康寿 |
Ingredients: Radix Astragali, Radix Codonopsis, Ginkgo biloba, Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae, Radix Acanthopanax Senticosus, Radix Angelicae, Mature Mulberry, Lycium barbarum, Rhodiola, Dendrobium, etc 成分:黄芪 党参 银杏叶 绞股蓝 丹参 仙灵脾 首乌 刺五加 当归 熟地 桑寄生 枸杞子 红景天 石斛等。 |
Efficacy: Benefiting Qi and nourishing blood, harmonizing Yin and Yang; Eliminating lipid, regulating blood sugar and balancing immunity. Improving circulation, strengthening the bones and tendons. Nourishing brain and body, achieving prolongs life. 功效:益气养血,调和阴阳;消脂降糖,平衡免疫。活血通脉,壮骨柔筋;健脑强身,益寿延年。 |
T13 Tonic Essence 固元膏 | Syrup/Powder 膏糖 | Tonification 养颜益寿 |
Ingredients:Gelatin, Walnut, Black Sesame, Pine Nut, Red Dates, Longan. 成分:阿胶 核桃 黑芝麻 松子 红枣 龙眼肉等。 |
Efficacy: Balances Yin and Yang, nourishes liver and kidney; Enhances brain functioning and strengthens bone marrow, improves memory and increases talent. Moisturizes skin and lifts face, promotes beauty, youth and longevity. 功效:益气养血,调和阴阳;滋肝温肾,育精填髓;补脑坚骨,强记开智;明目聪耳,润泽肌肤; 养颜驻春,延年益寿。 临床多用于各类气血亏虚之症,入口香甜,易于消化,方便携用,儿童老人均十分喜欢。 |