Facial & Skin Care
According to Ancient Chinese texts, written on bamboo and found on cave walls over 2,000 years ago, healthy and beautiful skin is directly related with the body’s systems of circulation, digestion and hormone function, as well as one’s overall mental condition. There are various “Secret Palace Formulas” from the Tang Dynasty used exclusively by the Empress and concubines, which often combined acupuncture, herbal facial acupressure and special diets (ginseng, bird’s nest, pearl powder, honey, egg white, wild mushroom, cucumber and aloe juice). Seasonal flowers were used for moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Outdoor morning meditation under a canopy of trees is regarded as the best way to release stress and absorb natural dew. Bathing in spring water is a commonly used method to help the skin stay smooth.
Over the evolution of TCM, natural skin care techniques have become scientific and modern. These techniques help people stay healthier and younger, through stimulating self-healing power and maintaining balance. They also aid in treating and preventing skin allergies or skin degenerative changes from overuse of chemical cosmetics. Inherent beauty and vitality of the skin is a true reflection of the inner condition and is important in order for the heart and the spirit to retain a sense of the true self.
TCM cosmetology is based in holistic health care. The ancient Chinese Doctors recognized maintaining the beauty of the human body as one of the tasks of medicine. Historically, there have been many herbal formulas for this purpose found in Chinese medical texts. Holistic beauty care includes using various methods of maintaining optimal organ function. Treatment can be divided into five categories; Herbs, Acupuncture, Massage, Qigong and other methods. These natural therapies are safe and reliable with no side effects.
Special Herbal Formulas for Facial & Skin Care:
Beauty Spiritual / YY | Help heal the acne caused by hormonal imbalance |
Herbal Acne Water | Cleansing Acne Treatment |
Gingshen Beauty Cream | Whitening, Wrinkle Remove and Moisture for Aging Skin. |
Pian Zai Huang Cream | Detoxification and Recover Skin Damage |

Skin and Body Health Condition
The Skin is a large and complex organ which is continually “open to inspection by others.” It can be a frequent source of concern for patients of all ages. This organ is the focus of considerable attention in TCM, as it is connected with various meridians. Skin care is associated with the whole body’s circulation, as well as hormonal, digestive and nervous systems.
- Facial skin represents the internal health condition. Face observation is a specific diagnostic method used in addition to pulse and tongue diagnosis. The forehead shows the health of the digestive system, the nose reflects the function of the lungs, the eye region belongs to the liver meridian, and puffy bags under the eyes and flabby chins imply water retention due to slow lymphatic circulation. A proper holistic healthcare plan can result in the best skin condition and beauty by addressing the physical organ function and the proper balance of internal systems.
- Skin condition and sexual hormones are closely related. The skin type evolves from childhood through puberty. Increased testosterone tends to make skin thicker and stronger while estrogen and progesterone influence skin’s appearance making it bright, soft and smooth.
Changing or imbalanced hormones can bring about many skin conditions such as pimples, acne, birthmarks, age spots and various other skin breakouts. During pregnancy, high levels of progesterone make skin puffy and rich looking, but may also result in stretch marked skin. Somehow a baby’s sex affects a pregnant woman’s skin tone, for example, a baby girl results in moister skin for the mother than a baby boy. Acne breakouts are often associated with PMS, long-term use of birth control pills may result in oily, rough skin and menopause is associated with dry and irritated skin as well as age spots.
- Metabolism plays a very important role in maintaining good skin condition. A healthy metabolism helps burn fat preventing fatty accumulations and cellulite. Acupuncture can help to increase the metabolism and balance hormones. Acupressure with fat-burning herbal cream can reduce dimpling in areas where cellulite accumulates. Cellulite treatments can also help women with lifting and tightening their skin after giving birth or during breast-feeding.
- Blood circulation and mental condition is also considered an integral part of skin care. Healthy heart and lung function affects the body’s oxygen and nutritional osmosis and promotes youthful, healthy skin. The blood circulation in the neck and upper back region is critical because there are major veins that pass through these areas which benefit the face and hair by carrying blood to the head. Stress and anxiety often cause tension and tightness in the neck and back, which has a negative impact on the look of our skin.
- Digestive function affects the body’s absorption of nutrition. It is also associated with cleansing body toxins and improving water metabolism. Many skin conditions are actually the result of digestive dysfunction such as constipation, diarrhea and IBS. Skin also reacts negatively to the use of alcohol, nicotine, drugs or other chemical products.

Ming Qi Special Facial & Skin Care Programs
Seasonal Facial and Skin Care: Seasonal facial and skin care is a specific TCM beauty therapy that follows the change of seasons and applies treatment accordingly. Spring is the season when the skin breathes, and pores open to accept cleansing. It is a good time to nourish the skin. During the summer, the skin perspires due to heat and/or detoxifying. This is a good time to cleanse. Autumn is when the pores close and the skin becomes dry. The skin should be moisturized because creams absorb well at this time of the year. During the winter, skin absorbs tonifying herbs and stores energy for the cold season. This is the best time to preserve the skin and body. Monthly maintenance natural facial treatments are recommended for women who are between 40 and 50 years. If you are interested in treating acne, birthmarks, age spots, under eye bags and cellulite, weekly treatments are recommended.
Five Elements Holistic Skin and Body Therapy: Following seasonal changes and individual physical health conditions, we arrive at customized facial and skin care plans and offer professionally designed individual treatment packages.
- Element – Wood references the spring season with its regeneration and new growth. This treatment will focus on skin rejuvenation and improving the overall skin condition. This is the most appropriate season to treat and prevent allergic skin conditions. The wood element indicates the necessity for regulating the body’s liver meridian function to help balance hormones and relieve stress. Recommendation: Acupuncture for face and body care, Massage for Relaxing Neck and Limbs.
- Element – Fire references the summer season with its flourishing of bountiful growth. This treatment will focus on clearing heat and oiliness as well as nourishing the blood. This is the most appropriate season to treat and prevent rashes, eczema, acne and boils. The Fire Element indicates the necessity for regulating the body’s heart meridian functions to help promote circulation and detoxification. Recommendation: Acupuncture for face and body care, Massage for Lymphatic Strengthening.
- Element –Earth references the season known as Indian summer, with its blooming and stabilizing. This treatment will focus on maintaining skin energy and nutrition. This is the most appropriate season to treat and prevent dullness, fatigue, double chins, under eye bags and puffiness. The earth element indicates the necessity for regulating the body’s spleen meridian function to help absorb nutrients, increase metabolism and cleanse the GI tract. Recommendation: Acupuncture for face and body care, Wellness Massage for Breast and Abdomen.
- Element - Metal references the autumn season with its withering and fading. This treatment will focus on skin moisturizing, tonifying Yin and boosting blood circulation. This is the most appropriate season to treat and prevent dryness, drooping and wrinkles, as well as hair loss. The metal element indicates the necessity for regulating the body’s lung meridian function to strengthen immunity, expel toxins and hydrate skin. Recommendation: Acupuncture for face and body care, Scalp Therapy to Increase Brain Oxygenation and Promote Healthy Hair Growth.
- Element Water references the winter season with its hibernation, gathering and storing. This treatment will focus on exfoliating skin and strengthening vital essence. This is the most appropriate season to treat and prevent aging skin, age spots, chapping, and dandruff. The Water Element indicates the necessity for regulating the body’s kidney meridian function to help restore essential energy and promote anti-aging. Recommendation: Acupuncture for face and body care, Massage for Energy Strengthening and Endocrine Maintenance Massage
Acne Special Care: The occurrence of acne is often related to disorders of the human endocrine function, autoimmune dysfunction or other factors. Neurohumoral endocrine system imbalances can lead to sebaceous gland disorders. The increase of sex hormones at puberty may impact the body's skin condition; for example: the increase of testosterone in males promotes oily skin and hair follicles which can become clogged causing acne; ovulation is not yet regulated at the onset of menstruation in females, thereby leading to acne resulting from hormonal fluctuation and imbalance.
- Acupuncture can help promote skin vasodilation to improve blood circulation and balance sebum production. Acupuncture can balance the endocrine system by regulating both excessive suppression and the hyperactive state.
- Herbal formula Beauty Spiritual / YY is a special preparation of traditional Chinese Medicine specifically used in the care of acne. It helps balance endocrine function, clear lymphatic toxins, and regulate lipid metabolism.
- Facial massage with Herbal-essential oil is extremely effective in clearing the pores, treating black heads, and decreasing oiliness while moisturizing the skin. Beauty Spiritual / YY Regulates hormones, balances sebaceous metabolism, cleans pores and helps heals acne breakouts.
Men's Beauty: Since men rarely rely on makeup to camouflage their daily appearance, skin texture beautification and maintenance are particularly important. Facing the pressures of life without proper catharsis, men are easily subject to excessive accumulation of toxins in the body. Due to the predominant presence of the testosterone hormone, male skin tends to be subject to oily skin sebum secretions. Their skin is vulnerable to pollution and has poor resistance to bacteria. If proper attention is not paid to the care and cleaning of their skin, they can be prone to acne and other skin conditions. Male Beauty focuses on balancing hormones, relieving stress, regulating the metabolism of skin oils, and clearing toxins from the pores. Acupuncture and therapeutic face massage can improve the skin condition, helping to achieve and maintain healthy skin.
Pregnancy and Postpartum Beauty: Due to the increase in hormones, a series of changes may occur that impact fitness and facial beauty, such as weight gain and butterfly-shaped or yellow-brown facial pigment spots. Postpartum skin may become very sensitive, resulting in allergic reaction to previously used cosmetics, beauty and skin care products, which may lead to rough skin or blemishes.
Aromatherapy is the preferred form of treatment over Traditional Chinese Herbs during pregnancy. It is recommended only begun after the first trimester, and should be carefully selected by a professional aromatherapist. Lavender is considered the most gentle, mild and safe essential oil that may be used throughout the entire pregnancy. Lemon, citrus, sandalwood and other essential oils are not recommended prior to the end of the first trimester. Rose, Jasmine and Geranium may be used exclusively on the face in the prevention of melasma or pregnancy mask, but only in low concentrations, and only after 16 weeks of pregnancy. They are not recommended to be applied on other areas of body.
Facial massage using mother-of-pearl, chamomile and citrus products can help eliminate facial edema; reduce hyperpigmentation and increase skin radiance. Therapies such as Acupuncture and Herbal Aromatherapy facial massage focus on reducing water retention, balancing hormones and eliminating facial edema. Facial massage can also relieve stress, tighten and lift loose or flabby skin and prevent the development of pregnancy marks or melasma.
Hand and Foot Care: Hand therapies include anti-aging TCM herbal soaks and massage which promote radiance and brightness, help eliminate dry skin, and maintain softness and smoothness. Foot soaks and massage with Chinese herbs increase blood circulation, eliminate dry skin and calluses, and promote overall foot health.
Occupational Skin Care: Certain skin conditions are occupationally related, such as due to long-term exposure to sunlight or chemical substances. The treatment focuses on improving the skin's resistance to prevent skin allergies, maintain the softness of the skin and moisturizing. Acupuncture can boost immunity and skin tolerance. Chinese herbs such as aloe, glossy ganoderma, pearl, and essential oils of lavender, chamomile, and tea tree have a detoxifying effect and can be used for both skin care and beauty.
Hair Loss and Dandruff: There are various types of hair loss, including seborrheic alopecia, blood deficiency alopecia, and hair loss due to kidney deficiency and hereditary factors. However, all forms of hair loss are mainly associated with hormonal imbalance, decreased immunity, anxiety, stress and other factors, which ultimately result in scalp blood deficiency, and nutrient malabsorption in which the hair cannot get proper nourishment. So in order to effectively address this condition, a constitutional approach is required, such as regulating endocrine disorders, enhancing immunity, and strengthening the blood supply of the scalp to prevent hair loss.
Collagen is the main component of hair. In order to promote optimum collagen production, it is very important to eat a diet high in high quality proteins, B vitamins, vitamin C and calcium; avoid foods that are too spicy or oily, ensure adequate rest and sleep, and maintain a positive, happy disposition. The main therapy for hair loss treatment is using seven star needles together with anti-dandruff essential oils to increase scalp circulation and promote hair growth. Moxibustion is also significantly effective.
Varicose Veins: Varicose veins mainly occur in the leg or ankle regions. Potential side effects include skin discoloration, inflammation resulting in delicate thin skin, open sores or increased venous pressure. Early stage varicose vein syndromes can be effectively treated using Acupuncture with electrical stimulation. Chinese Herbs have been shown to be effective in improving blood circulation and vasodilation. Herbal-aromatherapy lymphatic drainage massage works effectively in reducing venous pressure and water retention, while improving blood circulation and elasticity. Dancers, athletes, skaters, weightlifters, flight attendants and various other professionals, as well as women pre and post pregnancy or childbirth, should pay particular attention to the prevention of varicose veins.

Traditional Chinese Medical Special Facial & Skincare Therapy
Acupuncture: Facial rejuvenation, Reduction in wrinkles and undereye puffiness:
Acupuncture facial rejuvenation is a special therapeutic face lift technique used to stimulate collagen production, improve muscle tone and soften wrinkles to benefit the skin’s health and appearance. It is a traditional beauty therapy based on TCM diagnosis and treatment that helps restore essential energy, improves anti-aging ability, strengthens immunity, expels toxins and hydrates the skin. Fine needles are inserted into the face, body and ears for treating and preventing such skin conditions as allergic skin, sensitive skin, oiliness, dryness, age spots, wrinkles, dullness, puffiness, drooping, chapping, double chins, under eye puffiness, as well as hair loss and dandruff.
Acupuncture provides a holistic approach to the overall body health condition. It can be used to improve the skin condition by addressing internal health conditions such as high cholesterol, diabetes, constipation, diarrhea, insomnia, stress and anemia. It also benefits the digestion for improving nutrient absorption, and detoxification. Additionally, acupuncture treats pain and blockages in the body.
- Reducing Wrinkles: There are two different types of wrinkles – those that are superficial and those that affect the deep muscle layers. Wrinkles are much more easily addressed while in their more superficial stage, as superficial wrinkles tend to be more temporary and associated with dry skin and reduced subcutaneous fat. Decreased collagen production leads to degeneration of the facial skin and ultimately deep permanent wrinkles. Acupuncture can stimulate improved collagen production. Low frequency electrical stimulation can be used subcutaneously to enhance blood circulation, maintain proper skin moisture and eliminate wrinkles.
- Firming: There are over forty facial muscles, each of which is responsible for various aspects of facial expression. Acupuncturists, when performing facial rejuvenation, must understand the function and directional aspect of the various facial muscles and how they affect movement and expression. In this way, Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can be used to tighten loose and flabby facial skin, promote facial blood circulation, promote skin cell regeneration and anti-aging, and supply and maintain the necessary nutrients to promote cell production, restoring the skin’s natural sheen and softness. In stimulating all facial muscles, and promoting metabolic function, Acupuncture can be used to help rid the body of toxins, and has been shown to be effective in treating skin conditions such as acne, hyper or hypo pigmentation, and dark circles, thus promoting anti- aging and overall skin health.
- Undereye “Bags” and Puffiness: Undereye bags are a pathological protrusion resulting from ligamentous laxity around the eyes, subcutaneous fatty deposits and water retention. Clinically, undereye bags and puffiness are divided into two types: congenital and acquired. The congenital type is associated with genetic propensity, whereas the acquired type results from long term adverse stimulation to the undereye skin from such conditions as blocked tear ducts, chronic blepharitis, and allergies to cosmetics or improper cosmetic use and removal. Left untreated, these conditions can eventually lead to laxity and atrophy of the undereye skin. Acupuncture can improve circulation around eyelid, promote proper muscle contraction, accelerate partial lipolysis, and tighten the laxity of the eyelid.
Moxibustion: for Skin Spots and Facial puffiness:
Moxibustion when applied to the face can help reduce freckles, wrinkles and water retention
Moxa (Artemisia or Wormwood) is Chinese herbal medicine with good therapeutic efficacy, often referred to as the King of Herbs. Skin disorders are often brought about by some form of internal organ dysfunction. Eating or drinking cold foods, overeating, insufficient sleep, or shift worker’s syndrome can lead to endocrine dysfunction, resulting in under eye puffiness, melasma, dark spots and facial edema. Moxibustion may be used regularly to promote facial beauty and systemic well-being
- Moxibustion points for the treatment of Wrinkles: Bai Hui, Yang Bai, Yin Tang, Shen Que.
- Moxibustion points for the treatment of dark spots: Si Bai, Ying Xiang, Liver Xu, Spleen Xu, Qi Hai, Zu San Li, San Yin Jiao, Tai Xi, and directly over the area of dark spots
- Moxibustion points for the treatment of Acne: Qu Chi, He Gu, Xue Hai, Ar Shi
Herbal Products: Reduces/Prevents Acne and Anti-Aging:
TCM Cosmetology attaches great importance to maintaining skin’s tightness, firmness, flexibility and brightness. If the pores are unable to open and close properly, it is thought that Qi, Blood and Jing are easily lost; this along with excess sweating leads to deficiency. The flexibility of the skin directly impacts the shape of the face, and therefore facial beauty. The brightness of the skin is a direct reflection of the health of the internal organs.
The key point of beauty care is the integrated use of various methods to maintain optimal organ function and system balance. Chinese herbs are used to nourish the blood, and come in various forms such as herbal powders, creams, liquids, pastes and topical cosmetic preparations. Depending on the specifics of the condition, herbs may be used topically, taken orally or combined with therapeutic massage to nourish blood and viscera, promote blood circulation, vent rashes, fade freckles, and reduce wrinkles to achieve optimum beauty and promote anti-aging effect.
Beauty Spiritual / YY | Helps heal acne caused by hormonal imbalance. Take 3 capsules twice daily with warm water. |
Herbal Acne Water | Cleansing Acne Treatment. Ingredients: Dodder seedlings, bitter gourd juice, aloe vela pulp, cucumber juice, lemon juice. Mainly used for cleansing oily skin. |
Gingshen Beauty Cream | Whitening, Anti-aging and Moisturizing and Wrinkle Reducing. Ingredients: Gingshen serum, pearl powder, Mai Men Dong, motherwort, orange peel, honey, milk and so on. Mainly used for rejuvenation of sensitive, dry and aging skin. |
Pian Zai Huang Cream | Detoxification and Healing Damaged Skin. Ingredients: Pian Zai Huang, Pearl powder, Dong Gua Ren, Ju Pi, Gou Qi Zi, He Shou Wu, Peach Flowers and so on. Mainly used to refresh oily and aging skin. |
Herbal Teas have been empirically shown to have the benefit of creating and maintaining “youth” by improving the body’s circulation, cleaning and polishing the skin’s surface, and tightening, brightening, and smoothing the skin.
Aromatherapy Products for Holistic Skin Care: Apply on face as a nightly skin treatment.
Moisturizing | Rose, orange, cypress, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, aloe oil |
Ease Allergic Skin | Chamomile, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil |
Dry Skin Conditioning | Jasmine, frankincense, lavender, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, aloe oil |
Acne Treatment | Tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender, grape seed oil, aloe oil |
Wrinkle Reducing | Rose, sandalwood, bergamot, jojoba, wheat germ oil |
Skin Whitening | Lemon, rose, neroli, jojoba oil, aloe oil, wheat germ oil |
Oily Skin Conditioning | Eucalyptus, lavender, tea tree, grape seed oil, aloe oil |
Cell Regeneration | Rose, sandalwood, frankincense, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil |
Skin Spot Exfoliation | Lemon, grapefruit, sweet orange, jojoba oil, aloe oil, wheat germ oil |
Reducing Under Eye Puffiness | Lavender, fennel, bergamot, drops of jojoba oil, olive oil, aloe oil |
Firming Breasts | Geranium, rose, ylang ylang, sage, bergamot, almond oil, grape seed oil, evening primrose oil |
Varicose Veins | Lavender, bergamot, carrot seed, fennel, grapefruit, grape seed oil, evening primrose oil |
Lymphatic Drainage | Lemon, cinnamon, mint, fennel, lemongrass, grape seed oil, evening primrose oil |
Ovarian Maintenance | Rose, ylang ylang, violet, myrrh, frankincense, grape seed oil, evening primrose |
Fading Stretch Marks | Jasmine, orange blossom, carrot seed oil, frankincense, patchouli, sweet almond oil, wheat germ oil |
Hand Care | Sweet orange, jasmine, frankincense, cypress, lavender, grape seed oil, evening primrose oil |
Foot Care | Patchouli, tea tree, myrrh, bergamot, rosemary, drops of grape seed oil, evening Eastern Nutritional Diet for Nourishing, Beauty and Anti-aging Reducing Cellulite Rosemary, juniper, sage, fennel, cinnamon, grape seed oil, evening primrose oil |
Hair Care | Rosemary, ylang ylang, lemon, tea tree, sweet-scented osmanthus, jojoba oil, grape seed oil |
Herbal-aroma Facial Massage: Maintains A Youthful Complexion
Herbal-aroma facial massage is a traditional beauty care technique based on ancient wisdom from the Tang Dynasty. Secret formulas were developed to increase blood flow and circulation, reduce facial tension and fluid retention, and smooth and firm skin tone, thus giving way to a brighter, healthier complexion. The herbal cream is usually comprised of Dang Gui (Angelica Sinensis Radix), Ginseng, Aloe, Wild Mushroom, Pearl Powder, and seasonal flower extracts. Facial massage, applied to the areas extending from the neck to the head to relax the veins of the neck and wherever impediments to blood flow may occur, has been shown to have therapeutic value in alleviating stress Herbs are selected by trained TCM practitioners to restore the ailing skin and are varied for optimum effect according to the change of seasons.
Eastern Nutritional Diet for Nourishing, Beauty and Anti-aging: Eastern nutrition is an essential component in addressing beauty from the inside out. Foods are selected and combined with specific herbal products depending on the individual health condition. Traditional Chinese medicine takes a holistic approach to health and wellness, which includes the use of various modalities such as Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Meditation (Qi Gong), Exercise (Tai Qi), Massage (Tui Na), and Eastern Nutrition. Foods are used to promote blood circulation and nourish the organs and in this way help achieve optimum physical beauty. This combination of Internal/External approach, with the use of foods/herbs taken internally and herbs applied externally both nourish the skin and regulate the organ function which is then reflected in the overall health and beauty of the skin. Beauty Dietary Therapy benefits the skin through the use of the daily diet.
Eastern Nutritional Beauty Diet Menu: Sesame, honey, Xiang gu (Shitake) mushroom, human milk, cow’s milk, goat’s milk, sea cucumber, pumpkin seed, lotus root, wax gourd, cherry and wheat are foods that not only make the face tender, white, ruddy, moist and lustrous, but also prolong life. They are mainly used in the treatment of acne, loose skin, freckles, pigmentation, dry skin, puffiness, hair loss, wrinkles, and under eye puffiness.