(Mainly used for obesity, edema, endocrine disorders, hyperactive appetite, constipation, stress and fatigue)
Commonly used foods and herbs are corn, mung bean, soybean, celery, spinach, wax gourd, cucurbit, black fungus, enoki, watermelon, seaweed, sea cucumber, clam, scallop, shan yao, mi ren, fu ling, chi xiao dou, and qian shi.
(Mainly used for acne, endocrine disorders, stress, loose skin, freckles, pigmentation, dry skin, puffiness, hair loss, wrinkles, and undereye puffiness.)
Commonly used foods and herbs are: sesame, pine nut, black soybean, soybean, celery, bamboo, zucchini, Chinese green bean, lemon, egg white, cucumber, vinegar, honey, aloe, he shou wu, bai he, xing ren, mi ren, don chong xia cao, tian hua feng, wu wei zi, and yu zhu.
Male: (Mainly used for stress, fatigue, hair loss, loss of memory, decreased sexual function in men and inability to concentrate.) Commonly used foods and herbs are: walnuts, chive, leek, gingko, lychee, lamb, deer, turtle, snow pea, gou qi zi, tu si zi, shan yu rou, zi he che, he shou wu, and qian shi.
Female: (Decreased hormonal function, infertility, irregular menstruation, fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, osteoporosis, loss of memory, and other symptoms.) Commonly used foods and herbs are: Chinese sticky rice, black bean, pine nuts, sesame, yellow rice, spinach, lotus, white wood fungus, bird's nest, beef bone marrow, egg, bai he, sang she, he shou wu, gou qi zi, huang qi, huang jin, gui yuan, and hong zao.
(Mainly used for asthma, bronchitis, coughing, dry skin, allergies, shortness of breath, and stuffy chest.)
Commonly used foods and herbs are: rice, buckwheat, chayote, orange, mandarin orange, white wood fungus, wax gourd, bird's nest, honey, maltose, xing ren, bei mu, bai he, yin xing, wu wei zi, and bai bu.
(Mainly used for those with poor skeletal development, osteoporosis, low hormone levels, infertility, low sexual function, enuresis, nocturnal emission, frequent urination, tinnitus, loose teeth, menstrual disorders, menopausal syndrome, aging, cancer, edema, asthma, hair loss, and loss of memory.)
Commonly used foods and herbs are: soybean, pecans, chestnut, jack bean, Chinese chives, cabbage, lychee, mussels, quail eggs, chicken, ginseng, gou qi zi, he shou wu, yin xing, huang jin, dong chong xia cao, zi he che, qian shi, tu si zi, cong rong, shan zhu yu, and deer antler.
(Mainly used for palpitations, stuffy chest, irregular heartbeat, arteriosclerosis, angina, fatigue, stress, depression, insomnia, inability to concentrate, insufficient memory, spontaneous sweating, and night sweats.)
Commonly used foods and herbs are: corn, mung bean, wheat, hawthorn, dry lily, eggplant, kiwi, lotus seeds, onion, parsley, pomfret, oyster, bird's nest, pearls, yu zhu, lian zi, bai he, tai zi shen, ginseng, suan zao ren, gui yuan rou, fu shen, and bamboo leaves.
(Mainly used for poor digestion, anemia, belching, gastric ulcer, constipation, diarrhea, edema, thick tongue texture, dizziness, bleeding, and emaciation.)
Commonly used foods and herbs are: rice, wheat, apple, kumquat, mandarin orange, spinach, carrot, ice fish, beef, ham, perch, pepper, dang shen, huang qi, shan yao, bai bian dou, fu ling, yi yi ren, and chen pi.
(Mainly used for stress, depression, PMS, breast distention, lower abdominal pain, cholesititis, abdominal pain of the Liver area, hypertension, inguinal hernia, menstrual cramps, stomachaches, acid reflux, insufficient liver function, irregular menses, dry eyes, insomnia, brittle nails, red eyes)
Commonly used foods and herbs are: buckwheat, wheat, pine nuts, red bean, orange, mango, chayote, cucumber, cucurbit, mushroom, spinach, cabbage, mussels, cuttlefish, abalone, oyster, chicken, eggs, seaweed, lamb, maltose, gou qi zi, he shou wu, rose flower, yu jin, bai shao, xiao hui xiang, hua jiao, pepper.
(Mainly used for edema, facial edema, menopausal syndrome, nephritis, malfunction of the kidneys, obesity, varicose veins, undereye puffiness)
Commonly used foods and herbs are: corn, wheat, red bean, watermelon, cucurbit, dry lily, carp, snakehead fish, ice fish, oyster, seaweed, liver, duck, chicken, quail, fu ling, zhu ling, yi yi ren, che qian zi, mu tong, bai bian dou, and huang qi.
(Mainly used for all kinds of infection, fever, influenza, gastritis, enteritis, prostatitis, vaginal infection, bladder infection, lymph node infection, mumps, acne, eczema, and psoriasis.)
Commonly used foods and herbs are: millet, buckwheat, mung bean, red bean, garlic, cucumber, wax gourd, zucchini, spinach, water chestnut, water caltrop, celery, snail, scallop, seaweed, rabbit, egg white, duck egg, jin yin hua, ju hua, yi yi ren, bo he, zhi mu, bamboo leaves, xia ku cao, tian hua fen, and tu fu ling.
(Mainly used for prostate enlargement, breast lumps, uterine fibroids, enlargement of lymph nodes, thyroid enlargement, endometriosis, and enlargement of liver.)
Commonly used foods and herbs are: chestnut, taro, arrowhead, chayote, water chestnut, hawthorn, fig, red bean, carrot, mung bean, seaweed, liver, oyster, abalone, sea cucumber, jelly fish, mussel, cuttlefish, duck, Chinese chives, zucchini, beef, turtle, garlic, broccoli, black fungus, black mushroom, mushroom, xia ku cao, hai zao, kun bu, fo shou, tao ren, hong hua, ji xue teng, shan ci gu, san qi, ba yue zha, and ban zhi lian.
(Mainly used for obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, hyperglycemia, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, oily skin, acne, and skin ulcer.)
Commonly used foods and herbs are: corn, soybean, sunflower seeds, sweet potato, mung bean, grapefruit, watermelon, cucurbit, pumpkin, celery, onion, cabbage, eggplant, black fungus, garlic, scallop, shan yao, yu mi xu, huang qi, tian hua fen, mai men dong, gou qi zi, sang bai pi, sha shen, shi hu, pearl powder, huai hua, jue ming zi, ju hua, mu li, and shi jue ming.
(Mainly used for arthritis, poor circulation, numbness of limbs, cold limbs, post stroke, muscle cramps, and pain.)
Commonly used foods and herbs are: black soybean, soybean, chestnuts, cherry, kiwi, papaya, pepper, onion, ginger, celery zucchini, taro, dry lily, pomfret, hairtail crab, jelly fish, vinegar, Chinese prickly ash, wine, gui zhi, xiao hui xian, ba jiao hui xiang, niu xi, mu gua, wu wei zi, san zhi, sang ji sheng, yi yi ren, dan shen, san qi, yan hu suo, and bai bian dou.
(Mainly used for dry skin, wrinkles, hair loss, lax muscles, fatigue, reduction of sexual function, poor memory, inability to concentrate, and osteoporosis.)
Commonly used foods and herbs are: corn, millet, black soybean, soybean and its products, sesame, walnut, mulberry, lotus seeds, black mushroom, black fungus, jack bean, spinach, cabbage, tomato, golden gourd, perch, grass carp, yellow croaker, shrimp, turtle, mussel, sea cucumber, scallop, beef, quail, American ginseng, ginseng, dan sheng, he shou wu, gou qi zi, deer antler, tu si zi, wu wei zi, hong hua, and dang gui.
(Mainly used for postoperative rehabilitation, during chemotherapy or radiation treatment, to promote the body's immune function.)
Commonly used foods and herbs are: rice, corn, hawthorn, kumquat, black soybean, sesame, jujube, cabbage, cucumber, pumpkin, mushroom, black mushroom, broccoli, black fungus, taro, onion, garlic, abalone, oyster, snail, huang qi, shan yao, mai men dong, American ginseng, bai bian dou, dong chong xia cao, turtle shell, kung bu, hai zao, fu shou, bai he, and shen qu.
(Mainly used for stress, depression, fatigue and PMS.)
Commonly used foods and herbs are: corn, cherry, lychee, apple, strawberry, walnut, fava bean, chayote, jack bean, dry lily, hairtail crab, mussel, quail egg, honey, oyster, perch, chicken, bai he, chai hu, huang qi, dang shen, American ginseng, bai shao, fu ling, yu jing, rose, and lu er mei.