Infertility & IVF Support Care
- Natural Treatment Plan
- Western Medicine and IUIVF
Infertility is defined as a couple's inability to achieve pregnancy after one year of attempting to conceive with regular unprotected intercourse. For all couples who have not conceived after one year, about half will go on to conceive naturally in the following year. A woman's fertility declines from her mid-30s into her 40s, as her egg supply ages. At the same time, her risk of miscarriage increases. Although a man's sperm count decreases with age, male fertility is not known to be greatly affected by age.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) infertility treatment combines Acupuncture and Herbs to treat patients with absent or infrequent ovulation, obstructed fallopian tubes, habitual miscarriage, and deficiency of the sperm (number, motility, or appearance). Patients have the option to use either Acupuncture combined with Herbal therapy as a completely natural intervention, or use in conjunction with IVF or IUI procedure. Over the past 22 years, Ming Qi Natural Health Care Center has helped over 1,000 patients conceive, including more than 600 cases in conjunction with various well-known IVF Centers in New York.
Our Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Infertility Care Includes
- Acupuncture to balance the pituitary-hypothalamic plexus to improve FSH levels.
- Moxibustion on ovarian points to stimulate follicular growth.
- Herbal-aroma anti-ovarian degeneration therapy to strengthen fertility energy.
Special Herbal Formulas for Infertility:
Ova-essential / JXB | Aids in healthy egg development. |
Uter-warm / NGN | Promotes endometrial growth |
New-vigour /HJJ | Boosts male fertility energy. |
Fert-immune / YY | Promotes conception by balancing immune response. |
Women Fertility Tonic | Herbal nutrition for healthy egg fertilization |
Male Fertility Tonic | Herbal nutrition for reproductive capacity |
Natural Treatment Plan
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have proven to successfully aid in resolving issues of infertility. These treatments can regulate the menstrual cycle and invigorate sperm cells by balancing hormones, strengthening fertility energy and enhancing the function of the whole body, as well as reducing mental tension and stress. The treatments are also effective for women’s reproductive related conditions such as: PMS, amenorrhea, endometriosis, fallopian tube obstruction, and immune and hormone related infertility. Patients may choose to use either Acupuncture combined with Herbal therapy as a completely natural procedure, or in conjunction with Western medicine in order to best promote conception.
Types of infertility cases that may benefit from Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) include:
- “Unexplained or Unknown” Infertility: All findings from standard tests may be normal showing no specific disharmonies or dysfunction. The actual cause of infertility may not be detected however, patient is unable to conceive,
- Patients who are unable to begin an IUI or IVF procedure due to high FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone”) or high prolactin levels,
- Infertility due to absent or abnormal ovulation and/or irregular menstruation,
- Obstruction of fallopian tubes due to infection, inflammation or tension spasms,
- Difficulty conceiving due to weak uterine lining or dysfunction of associated body systems,
- Habitual miscarriage due to chromosomal development disorders or lower progesterone levels,
- Deficiency of sperm (number, motility, or appearance)
Acupuncture and Herbal treatment are the main Complimentary therapies employed for natural infertility care by those who choose to avoid Western pharmaceutical intervention.
Acupuncture and Herbs are used to treat the woman’s overall health condition. Based on the nature of the infertility disorder, the treatment is designed in accordance with the woman’s individual menstrual cycle. The following treatment method is applied:
- During days 5 to 11 of the menstrual cycle, the treatment plan is focused on promoting healthy egg development. The Herbal formula Ova-essential/JXB is used to build kidney “Jing” (or Essence) and nourish the blood. Certain specific Acupuncture points have been shown to stimulate hormones and improve egg quality.
- From days 12 to 13, the treatment focus is to aid the fallopian tubes and ovaries to promote ovulation. Specific Acupuncture points have been shown to promote full and smooth ovulation. The Herbal formula, “Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang,” is beneficial for those women who experience abdominal pain during ovulation.
- From days 14 to 28, the treatment focus is on conceiving and, in the event that conception has occurred, promoting fetal development. Herbal products Uter-warm/NGN and Women Fertility Tonic are based on well-known traditional formulas that are used to improve the nutritional quality of the uterine lining and help maintain an early pregnancy.
Male infertility is mainly due to low sperm count, disorders of sperm shape and/or mobility, or immune factors. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) it is common practice to treat the female and the male simultaneously to improve their overall fertility. Clinical research has shown that Acupuncture combined with Herbs will greatly increase the success rate for fertility treatments. It is extremely effective in improving sperm count and quality.
The treatment focuses on improving sperm count, motility (the ability to move or swim in a straight line), shape and size. It also benefits the general health condition of the patient, while relieving stress, strengthening energy and balancing hormones. It is highly recommended that Acupuncture be used in conjunction with Moxibustion and Herbal tonics in the treatment of male infertility. The traditional Herbal products New-vigour/HJJ and Male Fertility Tonic are Herbal serums designed to promote male’s sexual function and general health.
There are many different causes of miscarriage, the most common of which include low progesterone levels or abnormal chromosomal development. Generally speaking, a patient who has a history of miscarriage should take preventive care when becoming pregnant. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can greatly aid in the prevention of miscarriages due to low progesterone levels. Acupuncture treatments given once weekly throughout the pregnancy and Herbal formulas taken daily for at least two months can greatly increase the odds of bringing a pregnancy to full term. If a patient has a history of miscarriage with the fetus having abnormal DNA development, Acupuncture treatments and Herbs should be given to the man and woman at least one month prior to attempting to conceive, since these treatments have a great impact in improving sperm and egg quality.
The Herbal formula, “Tai Shan Pan Shi Ying,” is a classic Herbal tea used in China for thousands of years in the prevention of miscarriage. It is also used as a general Herbal tonic in the early stages of pregnancy.
- Remain drug free (including birth control pills) for at least one month before attempting to conceive,
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoking one month before trying to conceive,
- Daily consumption of meat, dairy products, and other animal protein is recommended to help meet the body’s fertility nutritional needs,
- Couples should have a healthy sexual life and maintain proper hygiene during intercourse to avoid vaginal infection. Intercourse on alternate days over the course of a woman’s ovulation period is recommended increase the chance of conception,
- To aid them in relaxing physically and mentally, music therapy, Tai Qi, meditation, and even taking a vacation is recommended for couples who are under a great deal of stress in their work or home environment.
Western Medicine and IUI/IVF
Infertility treatment ranges from simple home procedures to specialized surgical, hormonal, and assisted reproductive technology treatments. Some of these can have high financial, physical and emotional costs such as In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or using an egg donor. Financial and emotional limits need to be discussed in advance and a sense of how far one is willing to go with testing and treatment must be determined.
IUI (Intra-Uterine Insemination) Procedure
Artificial insemination is a technique that can help address certain kinds of infertility in both men and women. In this procedure, sperm are inserted directly into a woman's cervix, fallopian tubes, or uterus. This makes the trip shorter for the sperm and bypasses any possible obstructions. Ideally, it makes pregnancy possible where it wasn't before. Intrauterine insemination (IUI), in which the sperm is placed in the uterus, is the most common form of artificial insemination.
Though the pregnancy rates for women undergoing artificial insemination may not be as high as they are for some more advanced methods, this technique has a key advantage: it's a simple procedure with few side effects. For those reasons, an Acupuncturist may recommend it as an initial form of treatment for infertility.
IVF (In-Vitro-Fertilization) Procedure
In-Vitro Fertilization involves combining eggs and sperm outside the body in a laboratory. Once an embryo or embryos form, they are then placed in the uterus. IVF is a complex and expensive procedure; only about 5% of infertile couples attempt this procedure. However, since its introduction in the U.S. in 1981, IVF and other similar techniques have resulted in the birth of more than 200,000 babies annually.
In-Vitro-Fertilization is basically a four-step process
- First, a woman takes medications to produce multiple follicles so that they begin to develop on her ovaries. This step is referred to as ovarian stimulation, or super ovulation.
- Step two involves monitoring follicular growth by ultrasound, to determine egg growth and uterine lining development. When it is determined that the follicles and the uterine lining are appropriately mature, a trigger shot of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is then administered.
- 36 hours after the trigger shot, the third step begins with the retrieval of the eggs by ultrasound guided-needle aspiration, which is an in-office procedure. A sperm specimen is then washed and prepared for insemination. The washed sperm is then placed in a dish with the eggs, and they are placed in an incubator for 18 hours. After 18 hours, the embryos are observed for normal fertilization, under a microscope, where the pronuclear of egg and sperm can be seen. The embryos are then incubated for further development into multi-cell embryos.
- The fourth and final step involves transferring the embryos into the uterine cavity via a catheter inserted through the cervix. The number of embryos returned varies with the desires of the patient and under the guidelines of age categories: under 35-years-old, up to three embryos; 35-40 years and older, up to four embryos. Additional embryos may be frozen and stored for future use.
There are many reasons infertile couples consider using donated eggs, including: premature ovarian failure (premature menopause), absence of ovaries due to surgery, previous chemotherapy or radiation therapy, a woman’s own eggs are of poor quality (age can be a primary factor), being a carrier of genetic disease, etc.
Once a woman is identified as an egg donor, the process of synchronizing both donor and recipient’s cycles will begin. Donors receive medication that will stimulate their ovaries to produce multiple egg-containing follicles. The patient (recipient) prepares her uterus by taking estrogen, (in tablets or by applying estrogen patches,) and progesterone once ovulation is triggered in the donor.
After the donor’s eggs have matured, they are retrieved through the guidance of an ultrasound. The eggs are then fertilized in a state-of-the-art laboratory and will incubate for two to five days. After incubation, the eggs are transferred to the recipient's uterus in a simple outpatient procedure. A pregnancy test is performed 9 to 12 days after the transfer.
Acupuncture highly improves the success rate for IUI/IVF
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal dietary therapy has been shown to highly improve the success rate for IUI (Intra-Uterine-Insemination) or IVF (In-Vitro-Fertilization) procedures. In a 2002 published research report from Germany, it was shown that Acupuncture treatments will significantly improve conception rates if given before and after the insemination or embryo transfer. The treatment schedule is as follows:
- Lupron Period: Patients, who are taking Lupron or other birth control protocol during the ovarian suppression cycle, will undergo Acupuncture treatment to balance hormones, promote relaxation and reduce side effects.
- Super Ovulation Period: The period during which ovarian stimulating drugs are used to promote development of multiple mature follicles and eggs. Patients will receive Acupuncture and Tui-Na therapy every three days to help the body increase nutritional absorption and promote healthy egg development. Acupuncture also works very well to ease side effects from increased hormone intake.
- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Procedure: For patients undergoing IUI protocol, Acupuncture will help promote full and smooth ovulation and should be undertaken within 24 hours after administration of the HCG injection. Moxibustion is an effective treatment used to build the lining of the uterus and prepare for conception. For patients undergoing IVF protocol, the treatment is usually scheduled immediately following egg retrieval.
- Retrieval Procedure: Immediately following egg retrieval, Acupuncture and Acupressure will be used to reduce water retention, abdominal bloating and mental tension, as well as build the uterine lining to prepare for conception. The recommended treatment schedule is at least two treatments between the retrieval and transfer procedures.
- Embryo Transfer Procedure. Acupuncture should be performed within the first 36 hours (best within the first 12 hours) after the transfer of the embryo(s) to improve the overall chance of conceiving. Moxibustion is often used for improving the blood quality and enhancing proper fertility nutrition.
- Progesterone Period: Patient will receive Acupuncture once every three days to support the uterine lining. It is recommended that this therapy be continued even after conception is confirmed until fetal heart beat is well developed.
Special Notes:
- A patient, who is unable to undergo the IVF procedure due to high FSH levels, should take the Herbal formula Ova-essential/ JXB for 1-2 months to regulate the hormones and strengthen fertility. This special formula has been shown to successfully lower FSH levels in pre-menopausal patients.
- If the patient has failed to respond to the infertility drugs, Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture treatments should be undertaken for one or two months before starting a new cycle.
- If the patient has an ovarian cyst, polycystic ovary syndrome, small uterine fibroids, or endometriosis, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal treatments should be undertaken for one or two months before starting an IVF procedure in order to increase the success rate.
- A patient should continue Acupuncture treatments through the early stages of pregnancy until the end of the first trimester to ensure the healthy growth of the uterine lining and to prevent a miscarriage.
Generally speaking, the use of Herbal products while undergoing IUI/IVF procedures is not recommended since some Herbs may increase the ovarian growth cycle, which may interfere with the IUI or IVF schedule. We do suggest, in some cases, that if a patient has no response to hormone stimulation (due either to high FSH levels or poor health condition,) they may use certain Herbal formulas such as Ova-essential / JXB which can promote better egg quality and development. Post-insemination or transfer, we strongly recommend that a patient use Herbal formula Uter-warm to reduce abdominal swelling and improve the uterine lining to aid in conception.
It is necessary to receive the approval of your OB/GYN or infertility specialist if you choose to use Chinese Herbs in conjunction with the IUI or IVF procedure.