Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) GYN
- Ovarian Cyst
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Uterine Fibroids
- Endometriosis
- Breast Cysts / Lumps
- Menopausal Syndrome
- Vaginal Infection
- Irregular Menstruation
Through over two thousand years of empirical knowledge and practical experience, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has developed a unique approach to gynecology based on the physiological and pathological characteristics specific to women. Based on the cognition of the uterus, menstruation, pregnancy, delivery and breast-feeding, as well as their relation with the viscera, meridians, qi and blood, gynecology through the focus of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory attaches great importance to prevention and clinical treatment of the pathological characteristics of women’s diseases.
Women’s preventive healthcare concentrates on hormonal balance. Full attention is given to the changing needs of girls and women from their formative years to maturity. Treatments are designed to address all stages of womanhood beginning with early menstruation to pregnancy, through menopause. The maintenance of hormonal balance and vaginal health is stressed. Therapy includes strategies to prevent PMS, postpartum weight gain, and premature menopause, as well as reducing incidences of breast and ovarian cancer.
One of the main goals of women’s natural preventative therapies is to regulate the menstrual cycle. Irregular menstruation refers to abnormal changes to the cycle and/or quantity of menstruation. Irregular cycles may manifest as early menstruation, delayed menstruation, irregular menstruation, prolonged menstruation, etc. Changes in quantity may manifest as profuse or scanty menstruation. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is also very effective in the treatment of vaginal and breast diseases.
Our TCM GYN Protocols
- Acupuncture balances the pituitary-hypothalamic plexus and regulates menstruation,
- Moxibustion therapy stimulates healthy follicular growth,
- Herbal-aroma therapy balances hormones and maintains breast health,
- Thermotherapy improves sexual hormone function and strengthens energy.
Herbal Formulas for Women’ Health Care:
Ova-essential / JXB | Aids in healthy eggs development |
Uter-warm / NGN | Promotes endometrial growth |
Fert- Immune / YY | Promote conception by balancing immune response. |
Milk-flow / TR | Enhance postpartum milk secretion |
Breastex / RHX | Promotes the elimination of breast lumps. |
PCOS-ease / JC | Helps alleviate the symptoms associated with PCOS. |
Ovacyst-ease / NZX | Promotes the elimination of ovarian cysts |
Endom-ease / JM | Helps alleviate the symptoms associated with endometriosis. |
Fibrex / JLP | Helps alleviate the symptoms associated with uterine fibroids. |
Menopex / GNL | Helps alleviate the symptoms associated with menopausal syndrome. |
Hotflex / ZHL | Helps alleviate hot flashes and night sweats |
Vagin-detox / FYP | Helps alleviate the symptoms associated with vaginal infections. |
Vagin-ease / FYN | Helps alleviate symptoms of vaginal dryness. |
Vagin-bath / WYXJ | Herbal soak, bath or douche to help alleviate the symptoms associated with vaginal infections. |
Women Fertility Tonic | Herbal nutrition for healthy egg fertilization |

Ovarian Cyst
An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac forming within an ovary and is the most common ovarian growth. Normally, during the menstrual cycle, an egg matures in a follicle on the surface of the ovary. The egg is released from the sac (ovulation) and the sac dissolves. In the case of an ovarian cyst, either the egg is not released or the sac does not dissolve. Thus, a cyst may form.
Most functional ovarian cysts are harmless, do not cause symptoms, and go away without treatment. However, they may result in symptoms such as:
- Lower abdominal pain or ache, typically during ovulation,
- Delayed menstruation,
- Weight gain,
- Unexpected vaginal bleeding.
Some ovarian cysts can twist or rupture and bleed. Symptoms include:
- Sudden severe pain, often with nausea and vomiting (possible sign of a twisted cyst).
- Pain immediately after intercourse (possible sign of a ruptured cyst).
Acupuncture to treat ovarian cysts should be undertaken on days 2 to 15 of the menstrual cycle for the purpose of decreasing fluid development. A combination of Acupuncture with electrical stimulation is an effective treatment to balance hormone levels and reduce the size of the cysts, as well as alleviate the discomfort of abdominal pain and bloating, and treat irregular menstruation or bleeding. Patients should also get treatment after ovulation to promote further hormone regulation. Women who are pregnant or who would like to get pregnant may undertake treatment after day 15 of their cycle to help promote uterine lining development to support a healthy pregnancy. Patients should inform the Acupuncturist if they are undergoing any fertility treatment.
Herbal Formula Ovacyst-ease/JXB promotes the elimination of ovarian cysts. It plays a very important role in the treatment of ovarian cysts by regulating hormones, improving lymphatic circulation and releasing water retention. Our Herbalist will recommend different herbal formulas on a case by case basis. Patients should inform the practitioner if there are any irregularities in her menstrual cycle, if she experiences severe pain during ovulation, if she is taking birth control pills, is trying to get pregnant while undergoing treatment for ovarian cysts, or if there is any possibility of being pregnant when she comes for the initial consultation. This information will help the practitioner make the right diagnosis and develop a treatment plan to produce the most effective results.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, ovarian cysts are diagnosed as “stagnation of qi and mucus” which means there is abnormal fluid blockage of certain meridians of the body. Herbal formula Ovacyst-ease has been shown to move the qi and remove blockages in the body. It helps alleviate pain and bloating, while regulating the menses.
- Clinical Use Data and Guide: Ovacyst-ease is often clinically used to help relieve symptoms from ovarian cysts such as heavy bleeding, hemorrhage, and constipation. It is also used in the treatment of infertility for patients with abdominal masses.
- Suggested Clinical Dosage: Ovacyst-ease comes in capsule Patients take this herbal formula from days 5 to 25 of the menstrual cycle, twice daily. For women are trying to conceive, this formula should be taken only from days 5 to 11. Dosage is 6 pills twice daily for the first 3 weeks. For long-term maintenance, patients may reduce the dosage after consulting with the Herbalist.
We suggest taking this herbal formula with warm water, a half an hour after eating. Ice, shellfish, spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine are prohibited while taking the formula. For patients who have heavy bleeding and hemorrhaging during menstruation, it is necessary to add additional herbs to this formula to prevent anemia and hemorrhage. Consult the Herbalist for detailed information.
- Purity and Safety Advisory:This formula is a powerful mixture of 100% natural Herbs that have been used to successfully relieve symptoms as well as balance internal conditions. The individual components have been approved for import by the FDA as food supplements and the formulation is produced by pharmaceutical factories in the US which surpass international heavy metal and microbiological standards. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal imbalance disorder affecting ovulation in women, which may impact their fertility. It can also cause hyperandrogenism, and lead to serious health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease resulting from hormonal (endocrine system) imbalance
Main symptoms include:
- Acne
- Weight gain and difficulty losing weight
- Male pattern baldness or thinning hair on the scalp
- Hair growth on the face, back, or chest
- High blood sugar (hyperglycemia)
- Amenorrhea or irregular periods
- Infertility
- Repeat miscarriages
- Gestational diabetes during pregnancy
Acupuncture treatment for PCOS focuses on balancing women’s hormones and relieving the symptoms. The treatment plan is customized according to patients’ individual needs, and would involve treatment principles such as:
- Regulate the menstrual cycle and alleviate the symptoms associated with PMS or abnormal bleeding,
- Manage weight through regulating the hormones and improving overall metabolism,
- Promote healthy skin using Acupuncture or Herbal formulas to help treat acne, skin infections, hirsutism, and oily hair follicles,
- Alleviate side effects of Western pharmaceuticals such as headache, bloating, weight gain, water retention, emotional changes, mood swings, etc., since oral contraceptives are the main form of treatment for this condition
- Support a healthy pregnancy, using Acupuncture which can help balance the pituitary and ovarian function to promote egg maturation and growth, and improve overall egg quality. Acupuncture will also promote the development of a healthy uterine lining to prepare for pregnancy and reduce the risk of miscarriage. Acupuncture is often used in conjunction with Western pharmaceutical drugs when patients are undergoing infertility treatment. Eastern and Western medicine combined may greatly increase the pregnancy success rate for PCOS patients.
Herbal Formula PCOS-ease/JC helps alleviate the symptoms associated with PCOS. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is caused by an imbalance of “Yin and Yang.” The treatment mainly concentrates on nourishing the kidney Jing (or Essence) boosting essential energy of the body, strengthening and regulating spleen Qi to resolve phlegm, soothing and releasing liver stagnation to relieve tension and stress, as well as activating and adjusting blood flow to regulate menstruation. Herbal treatment for PCOS is chosen according to differential diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory.
- Clinical Use Data and Guide: The Chinese Herbal formula PCOS-ease has been used clinically in China for balancing hormones, regulating menstruation, and promoting It has been shown to work effectively in the treatment of amenorrhea, abnormal hair growth, obesity and acne.
- Suggested Clinical Dosage: PCOS-ease comes in capsule It is generally recommended to take this Herbal formula from days 5 to 25 of the menstrual cycle. Patients take 6 pills twice daily for the first 3 weeks. For maintenance, patients may reduce the dosage after consulting with the Herbalist.
We suggest taking this herbal formula with warm water, a half an hour after eating. Ice, shellfish, spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine are prohibited while taking the formula. For patients who experience heavy bleeding during menstruation, it is necessary to add additional herbs to this formula to prevent anemia and hemorrhage. Consult the Herbalist for detailed information.
- Purity and Safety Advisory: This formula is a powerful mixture of 100% natural Herbs that have been used to successfully relieve symptoms as well as balance internal conditions. The individual components have been approved for import by the FDA as food supplements and the formulation is produced by pharmaceutical factories in the US which surpass international heavy metal and microbiological standards. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids (also commonly known as myomas) are non cancerous growths of abnormal cells which can be found on the inside, the muscle wall, or outer surface of the uterus. Fibroids also contain muscular and fibrous tissues like the normal tissues of the uterus, however, fibroid tissues serve no purpose.
Often, fibroids do not cause symptoms, or the symptoms may be mild, like periods that are a little heavier than normal. If the fibroids bleed or press on your organs, the symptoms may make it hard for you to enjoy life.
Fibroids may make some women have:
- Long, profuse periods and cramping, which can lead to anemia with weakness and fatigue
- Fullness or pressure in the abdomen
- Low back pain
- Pain during sex
- Frequent urge to urinate
- Difficulty conceiving or miscarriage.
Acupuncture is used to treat uterine fibroids according to a woman’s menstrual cycle. Days 4 to 25 of the menstrual cycle are the optimal time to remove qi and blood stasis using Acupuncture with electrical stimulation. The goal for this treatment protocol is to balance hormones, remove blockages, and shrink fibroids.
For women trying to promote conception through Acupuncture therapy, this treatment should only be undertaken from days 4 to 11 of the menstrual cycle. Patients should also get treatment to continue to support the uterine lining after ovulation. We do not advise patients to undertake a very aggressive treatment after ovulation. Patients planning to conceive should inform the Acupuncturist in advance.
Patients, who suffer from heavy bleeding anemia due to fibroids, need to have treatment to prevent hemorrhaging. This therapy should begin 5 days before menstruation and include Moxibustion and Herbal formulas as the main methods of treatment.
Chinese Herbal Formula Fibrex/JLP helps alleviate the symptoms associated with uterine fibroids. This herbal formula helps patients who suffer from heavy bleeding, severe pain during ovulation and menstruation, irregular period, abdominal bloating, ache and soreness in the lower back, as well as infertility due to the uterine fibroids.
Fibrex /JLP has been used clinically in China in the treatment of uterine fibroids. Since 1990, Fibrex/JLP has been imported in the United States as a food supplement, and used to help alleviate the symptoms related to the aforementioned condition.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, uterine fibroids are diagnosed as “qi stagnation” which means energy blockage in the body. Fibrex/JLP formula has been shown to help move the qi and remove blockages in the body. It helps alleviate pain, abdominal bloating, and irregular menstruation.
- Clinical Use Data and Guide: This formula is often used clinically to help relieve symptoms from uterine fibroids such as heavy bleeding, hemorrhage, and constipation. It is also used for infertility treatment for patients who have abdominal masses.
- Suggested Clinical Dosage: Fibrex/JLP comes in capsule Dosage is 6 capsules twice daily for the first 3 weeks. For maintenance, patients may reduce the dosage after consulting with the Herbalist. For fibroid therapy, this formula should be taken from days 5 to 25 of the menstrual cycle. For women who are trying to conceive, this formula should be taken only from days 5 to 11 of their menstrual cycle as is not advisable post-ovulation. For patients who have heavy bleeding during menstruation, it is necessary to add additional herbs to this formula to prevent anemia and hemorrhage. We suggest taking this Herbal formula with warm water, a half an hour after eating. Ice, shellfish, spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine are prohibited while taking the formula. Consult the Herbalist for detailed information.
- Purity and Safety Advisory: This formula is a powerful mixture of 100% natural Herbs that have been used to successfully relieve symptoms as well as balance internal conditions. The individual components have been approved for import by the FDA as food supplements and the formulation is produced by pharmaceutical factories in the US which surpass international heavy metal and microbiological standards. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Endometriosis is a condition where endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus. This usually occurs on the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, and the outer surface of the uterus, bowels, or other abdominal organs. Rarely, it can affect other organs and structures in the body.
Endometriosis grows, bleeds, and breaks down with each menstrual cycle, just like the endometrium does. This can cause pain and make it difficult to get pregnant. In some cases, scar tissue may form around the ovaries and fallopian tubes which can interfere with an organ's normal function.
The most common symptoms are:
- Pain - Depending on where the implants are growing, pain may extend through the lower abdomen, rectum, vagina, or lower back. Pain may present only before and during menstrual periods or at all times. Some women have more pain during sex, when they have a bowel movement, or during ovulation. Some experience mild cramping which may seem within normal ranges, while in other women, the pain and bleeding are so severe that it interferes with work or school.
- Abnormal bleeding - Heavy periods, spotting or bleeding between periods, bleeding after sex, or blood in the urine or stool,
- Infertility - Endometriosis varies from woman to woman. It can remain an unknown condition until identified during treatment sought for infertility.
Acupuncture treatment for endometriosis is divided into two cycles:
- From days 3 to 20 of the menstrual cycle, the treatment focuses on shrinking the abnormal endometrial cell growth. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) this is referred to as “removing the Qi and blood stasis”. It can reduce abdominal swelling and control the abnormal endometrial growth by estrogen stimulation.
- From days 21 to day 2 of the menstrual cycle, the treatment is focused on the prevention of PMS, menstrual cramps, and abdominal bloating, since patients suffering from endometriosis may experience severe menstrual pain and clotting. Acupuncture also helps relieve symptoms such as nausea, headache, lower back pain, and fatigue.
Fertility support care: Since pregnancy is a good solution to heal endometriosis, Acupuncture is very useful in supporting the patient’s fertility function. The treatment supports the patients’ menstrual cycle to help promote healthy follicular growth, fluid ovulation, successful conception and safely carrying to term.
Breast feeding care: Since longer-term breast feeding is also a form of treatment therapy to heal the endometrial system, Acupuncture can also be used to help promote healthy breast feeding after labor. Consult your Acupuncturist to inquire about a long-term health care plan that comprises all of the body’s natural healing processes.
Post-surgical support treatment: When the symptoms are very severe, some endometriosis patients may opt for surgical intervention. Generally this is performed laparoscopically. Since endometriosis is caused by hormonal imbalance, some patients may experience reoccurrence after surgery. These patients may require regular post-surgical Acupuncture and Herbal therapy treatment, which has been clinically shown to play a significant role with great success in reducing the rate of recurrence.
Herbal Formula Endom-ease/JM helps alleviate the symptoms associated with endometriosis. It helps patients who suffer from heavy bleeding, severe pain during ovulation and menstruation, irregular menstruation, abdominal bloating, ache and soreness in the lower back, as well as infertility due to endometriosis.
- Clinical Use Data and Guide: According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, endometriosis is diagnosed as “qi stagnation” which is a form of energy blockage in the body. Endom-ease/JM formula has been shown to move the qi and remove blockages in the body. It relieves pain, abdominal bloating, and irregular menstruation for patients suffering from the symptoms associated with endometriosis.
- Suggested Clinical Dosage: Endom-ease/JM comes in capsule form. Patients take 6 capsules twice daily for the first 3 weeks. For maintenance, patients may reduce the dosage after consulting with the Herbalist. Take this Herbal formula with warm water, a half an hour after eating. Ice, shellfish, spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine are prohibited while taking the formula.
We suggest taking this formula from days 5 to 25 of the menstrual cycle combined with the abdominal Acupuncture therapy. For patients who wish to get pregnant, this formula is not advisable post-ovulation. For patients who have heavy bleeding and hemorrhaging during menstruation, it is necessary to add additional Herbs to this formula to prevent anemia and hemorrhage. Consult the Herbalist for detailed information.
Purity and Safety Advisory: This formula is a powerful mixture of 100% natural Herbs that has been used to successfully relieve symptoms as well as balance internal conditions. It is used as a food supplement and is produced by pharmaceutical factories in the US which surpass international heavy metal and microbiological standards. These statements have

Breast Cysts / Lump
A cyst is a fluid-filled sac resulting in lumps that can be felt or seen. Certain breast cysts may be painful while others cause no pain. After the menstrual period, the cyst may either reduce in size or grow larger. The presence of breast cysts is linked to the hormones present during the menstrual cycle. Most breast cysts are benign and harmless. Some can only been seen through a mammogram.
Breast cysts often occur in young women. The symptoms and discomfort occur more frequently during ovulation or before menstruation. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, this condition is diagnosed as “liver qi stagnation and damp phlegm” and the treatment will help balance hormones, relieve stress, aid in reducing the overall size of the cyst and prevent recurrence. Acupuncture needles are applied on the breast surrounding the lump. There may be some bruising after the treatment but it is a very effective solution for this condition. Patients should inform the Acupuncturist in advance if, for personal reasons, they have an aversion to needles applied directly to the breast region.
It is highly recommend that patients with breast cysts/lumps undergo moxibustion therapy as it has been shown to be very effective in reducing the inflammation associated with breast cysts. This treatment should be scheduled between days 11 to 13 of the menstrual cycle (during ovulation,) and then again 3 to 5 days before menstruation.
Herbal Formula Breastex / RHX promotes the elimination of breast lumps.
- Clinical Use Data and Guide: A pure Chinese Herbal formula, Breastex / RHX has been clinically shown to help clear the lymphatic system, and is often used to help alleviate the symptoms of breast tenderness, swelling, and cysts. It also helps relieve and shrink swollen lymph nodes. As it also helps boost immunity this food supplement may be used in the treatment of breast cysts, and is used for preventive breast cancer treatment.
- Suggested Clinical Dosage:Breastex / RHX comes in pill form. Patients take 6 pills twice daily for the first 3 weeks. For maintenance, patients may reduce the dosage after consulting with the Herbalist.
We suggest taking this Herbal formula with warm water, a half an hour after eating. Ice, shellfish, spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine are prohibited while taking the formula. For patients who have heavy bleeding during menstruation, it is necessary to add additional Herbs to this formula to prevent anemia and hemorrhage. Consult the Herbalist for detailed information.
- Purity and Safety Advisory: This formula is a powerful mixture of 100% natural Herbs that have been used to successfully relieve symptoms as well as balance internal conditions. The individual components have been approved for import by the FDA as food supplements and the formulation is produced by pharmaceutical factories in the US which surpass international heavy metal and microbiological standards. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Menopausal Syndrome
Menopause is phase in the natural progression of a woman’s reproductive life cycle wherein certain levels of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone begin to decline. This is a normal part of a woman’s aging process and begins two to five years before her last menstrual period. It is usually complete when one or more years have passed since the last menstrual cycle.
Some pathological symptoms of menopause, referred to as menopausal syndrome, include changes to the menstrual cycle, hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia, heart palpitations, joint pain, headaches, vaginal dryness, and skin, hair and urinary changes. Due to the decline of estrogen, women undergoing menopause are at a higher risk for developing osteoporosis, vaginal dryness and itching, vaginal infections, pain during sexual intercourse, uncontrollable leakage of urine, urinary tract infection, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, hypertension, stroke, and weight gain.
We offer various programs to help alleviate some of the pathological symptoms associated with menopausal syndrome, such as:
- Hot Flash Treatment
Acupuncture treatment has been shown to improve ovarian function to naturally increase estrogen production. Herbal formula Menopex/GNL has been used in China since 1986 to regulate hormone levels and provide relief from hot flashes. It can also be used as a daily anti-aging supplement as it nourishes women’s essential energy.
- Osteoporosis Prevention/Treatment
Moxibustion along with Herbs applied along the spinal and hip areas are very effective in the prevention/treatment of osteoporosis. Herbal formula Osteo-Essence/MG has undergone extensive clinical trials in China and is recommended for use in the prevention of osteoporosis.
- Cardiac Care
Women undergoing menopause are susceptible to high cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Since these problems are closely related to hormonal changes, Acupuncture and Herbal treatment to balance hormones will be helpful in managing heart health. This treatment also eases the symptoms of insomnia, irregular heartbeat, palpitations, and panic attacks.
- Dryness (hair, skin, vagina)
The Herbal formula Women Special Tonic is very useful in the treatment of hair loss, dry skin, and burning, itching, and dry sensation of the vagina. Taken internally, it is also useful for facial and skin care. Facial and body massage with Herbal aromatherapy is also an effective therapy in the treatment of the symptoms of dryness.
- Concentration and Memory Enhancement
Scalp Acupuncture and Acupressure are recommended for menopausal patients to improve their concentration and memory. It is also effective in treating/preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, foot reflexology combined with Herbal soaking proves highly beneficial for the enhancement of one’s concentration and memory.
- Weight Loss
Acupuncture and Herbal formulas aid in patient’s weight loss therapy through balancing hormones, controlling the appetite, and improving metabolism and internal detoxification. Ear Acupuncture points have been shown to be effective in boosting fat metabolism. Herbal massage is commonly applied on the body to promote fat metabolism and improve the appearance of cellulite.
Menopex / GNL Helps alleviate the symptoms associated with menopause. This Herbal formula is especially made for women experiencing menopausal syndrome, with symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, nervousness, anxiety, depression, and osteoporosis. It not only helps to balance female hormones during the menopausal years but it also can be used to help nourish blood, yin, and Jing for those who suffer infertility due to low hormone levels.
Formula Source and Description: Menopex/ GNL is an advanced version of an Herbal product that has been in use in China since the 1950’s. The original formula was developed by the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SUTCM) to help relieve discomfort for women over the age of 45. That formula was later improved upon to create the formula Menopex which has been used by more than 5,000 women in the U.S since 1990.
How Does It Work: Scientific research indicates that the formula, Menopex/ GNL, gently stimulates the ovaries in hormone production, which can aid in maintaining the health condition and relieve the early symptoms of menopausal syndrome. This formula is classically referred to as “the women’s treasure” and is commonly used as an anti-aging supplement.
Clinical Use Data and Guide: Menopex/ GNL can help relieve the symptoms of hot flashes, fatigue, and insomnia. It is also used for patients with irregular menstruation, depression, and anxiety. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, menopausal syndrome is diagnosed as “liver and kidney Jing deficiency”. When women go through menopause, yin deficiency may lead to vaginal dryness, itchiness, and frequent and night urination. Menopex/ GNL can be prescribed either orally or as an externally applied sitz bath or douche.
This formula can also improve bone density for patients who suffer from severe pain in the joints and spine, muscle spasms and stiffness, and poor circulation. Furthermore, Menopex/ GNL also aids in the treatment of hair loss, skin dryness, wrinkles, and poor memory and concentration.
For patients who suffer from infertility or miscarriage due to low estrogen or progesterone levels or high FSH levels, Menopex/ GNL has been shown to improve their chances of having a successful pregnancy.
Suggested Clinical Dosage: Menopex/ GNL comes in pill and powder form. Patients take 6 pills (9 grams) twice daily for the first 3 weeks. For maintenance, patients may reduce their dosage after consulting with the Herbalist. We suggest taking this herbal formula with warm water, a half an hour after eating. Ice, shellfish, spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine are prohibited while taking this formula.
Purity and Safety Advisory: This formula is a powerful mixture of 100% natural Herbs that have been used to successfully relieve symptoms as well as balance internal conditions. The individual components have been approved for import by the FDA as food supplements and the formulation is produced by pharmaceutical factories in the US which surpass international heavy metal and microbiological standards. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Hotflex / ZHL Helps alleviate hot flashes and night sweats: Hotflex/ ZHL formula is specially designed to treat perspiration, hot flashes, and night sweats for women undergoing menopause. Contrary to Menopex/ GNL, Hotflex/ ZHL formula does not stimulate the ovary to produce hormones. Clinically, it can also be used along with hormone therapy for patients who have ovarian, breast, uterine, or prostate cancer.
Formula Source and Description: This formula was created by Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SUTCM) for cancer patients who suffer from hot flashes due to hormone therapy.
How Does It Work: Hotflex/ ZHL formula balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems as well as body chemicals that regulate body temperature.
Clinical Use Data and Guide: For women going through menopause, Hotflex/ ZHL may be taken along with Menopex/ GNL to relieve very severe hot flashes. As soon as the perspiration is under control, they should switch to Menopex/ GNL alone for long-term maintenance. Cancer patients undergoing hormone therapy can take Hotflex/ ZHL along with their medications after consulting with their Oncologist. Usually, it’s best to take Herbal formulas at least half an hour apart from other prescribed medications.
Suggested Clinical Dosage: The suggested dose is 6 tablets of Hotflex/ZHL and 3 tablets of Menopex/ GNL twice daily for the first 3 weeks. For maintenance, patients may reduce the dosage after consulting with the Herbalist. We suggest taking the Herbal formula with warm water, a half an hour after eating. Ice, shellfish, spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine are prohibited while taking the formula.
Purity and Safety Advisory: This formula is a powerful mixture of 100% natural Herbs that have been used to successfully relieve symptoms as well as balance internal conditions. The individual components have been approved for import by the FDA as food supplements and the formulation is produced by pharmaceutical factories in the US which surpass international heavy metal and microbiological standards. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Vaginal Infection
Most women experience minor vaginal problems from time to time. These problems can be related to menstrual cycles, sexual activity, infection, birth control methods, aging, medications, or changes after pregnancy.
The presence or excess growth of yeast cells, bacteria, or viruses can cause a vaginal infection. A vaginal infection may occur when there is a change in the normal balance of organisms in vagina. The three most common types of vaginal infections are:
- Yeast infections (Candida vulvovaginitis),
- Bacterial infections (bacterial vaginosis),
- Parasitic infections (trichomoniasis).
Common symptoms of vaginal infection include:
- Increase or change in the vaginal discharge, including gray, green, or yellow discharge,
- Vaginal redness, swelling, itching, or pain,
- Vaginal odor,
- Burning with urination,
- Pain or bleeding with sexual activity.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), vaginal bacterial or parasitic infections are related with the pattern of “Toxic Heat” and yeast infections most closely with the pattern of "Damp Heat." Acupuncture has been shown to effectively aid in treating vaginal infections since it can enhance immune function and accelerate lymphatic detoxification. Combining Acupuncture with dietary guidelines and appropriate antifungal products can be a very successful treatment for eradicating the condition of Candidiasis and controlling the infection.
Vagin-detox/FYP helps alleviate the symptoms associated with vaginal infections. A pure Chinese Herbal formula, Vagin-detox/FYP is specially designed to help vaginal infection caused by both bacteria and yeast. It has been clinically shown to clear the lymphatic system and ease the symptoms of vaginal redness, swelling, itching, or pain.
Vagin-Detox/FYP formula comes in pill form. Patients take 6 pills twice daily. For maintenance, patients may reduce the dosage after consulting with the Herbalist.
We suggest taking this Herbal formula with warm water, a half an hour after eating. Ice, shellfish, spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine are prohibited while taking the formula. For patients who have heavy bleeding during menstruation, it is necessary to add additional Herbs to this formula to prevent anemia and hemorrhage. Consult the Herbalist for detailed information.
This formula is a powerful mixture of 100% natural Herbs that have been used to successfully relieve symptoms as well as balance internal conditions. The individual components have been approved for import by the FDA as food supplements and the formulation is produced by pharmaceutical factories in the US which surpass international heavy metal and microbiological standards. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Vagin-ease/FYN helps alleviates symptoms of Vaginal Dryness.
A pure Herbal formula Vagin-ease/FYN is specifically designed to help ease secondary vaginal infections that may arise due to lower estrogen levels found in post-menopausal women. The main symptoms are vaginal dryness and itchiness, defined in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as "yin deficiency heat". This herbal formula can balance hormones, promote moisture and nutrition to vaginal epithelial tissue and enhance resistance to infection
Vagin-ease/FYPN comes in pill form. Patients take 6 pills twice daily. For maintenance, patients may reduce the dosage after consulting with the Herbalist. We suggest taking this Herbal formula with warm water, a half an hour after eating. Ice, shellfish, spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine are prohibited while taking the formula. For patients who have heavy bleeding during menstruation, it is necessary to add additional herbs to this formula to prevent anemia and hemorrhage. Consult the Herbalist for detailed information.
This formula is a powerful mixture of 100% natural Herbs that have been used to successfully relieve symptoms as well as balance internal conditions. The individual components have been approved for import by the FDA as food supplements and the formulation is produced by pharmaceutical factories in the US which surpass international heavy metal and microbiological standards. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Vagin-bath/WXY (external use) Herbal soak, bath or douche to help alleviate the symptoms associated with vaginal infections.
- Vagin-bath/WXY is a 100% natural herbal powder formula used externally for soaking, washing, and douching to ease the symptoms of vaginal redness, swelling, itching, or pain.
- Soak--Place the herbal powder into hot water and dissolve. Add cold water to cool to a comfortable temperature. Soak for 20 minutes once daily
- Douche-- Mix the herbal powder with hot water. Add cold water to cool to a comfortable temperature. Fill the douching apparatus with the herbal liquid for vaginal douching. After ten minutes, refill the douching apparatus with plain water to rinse the affected area.

Irregular menstruation
Irregular menstruation includes early, late, and irregular menstrual cycles. It also refers to excessive or deficient menstrual blood. The color of irregular menstrual blood is usually either dark purple or light pink and may be either too thick or too thin.
Irregular Menstrual Cycles
The main manifestations of irregular menstrual cycles:
- Early menstruation refers to menstrual cycles that are shorter than 21 days, and the continuous appearance of such for more than two consecutive cycles. The menstrual flow is normal.
- Delayed menstruation refers to menstrual cycles that are more than 7 days late, or even over 40 to 50 days between cycles, also for more than two consecutive cycles. In this case, the menstrual flow is also normal.
- Prolonged menstruation refers to normal menstrual cycles that are prolonged for over seven days. They may appear with excessive menstrual flow or a small quantity of persistent vaginal bleeding.
- Random menstruation refers to either early or delayed menstrual cycles - either shorter than 21 days, or longer than 35 days.
- Midcycle bleeding refers to the bleeding that happens between two normal menstrual cycles.
Chinese Herbal formulas for the treatment of irregular menstruation are divided into different disease patterns based on the patient's individual diagnosis:
- Liver Depression leading to Qi stagnation: Often resulting from situations such as failing to achieve one’s goals, excessive pressure in the workplace, irregular lifestyle, mental depression and other factors. Recommended formula: Dan Zhi Xiao Yao teapills.
- Blood Deficiency: Congenital lack of innate pre-natal endowment, or factors such as malnutrition or malabsorption. Recommended formula: Wu Ji Bai Feng pills.
- Cold in the Womb and Blood Stasis: Insufficient blood circulation in the pelvic region leading to ovarian dysfunction. Recommended formula: Nuan Gong pills.
- Qi Stagnation: Adverse emotional states or chronic diseases resulting in blockage of blood circulation ultimately leading to blood stasis, which can be the source of pain. Recommended therapy: Artemisia (mugwort or Moxa) ointment.
Acupuncture has been shown to have an excellent effect in regulating the menstrual cycle. Acupuncture or moxibustion on acupuncture points Ren4 (Guan Yuan), Ren6 (San Yin Jiao), and UB32 (Ci Liao) point, can relieve the symptoms of dysmenorrhea within minutes.
Lack of menstruation, other than before puberty, during pregnancy, and after menopause, may be the symptom of a treatable medical condition.
- Acupuncture activates the flow and enhances Kidney Jing, and removes blockages to ensure the smooth flow of Qi and Blood to the ovaries and uterus.
- Herbal Formula Ova-essential / JXB promotes healthy egg development, reinforces kidney Jing, and enriches the blood to address blood deficiency.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
PMS results from hormonal imbalance prior to menstruation; symptoms of which may include breast tenderness, bloating, cramps, mood swings, and headaches.
- Acupuncture and Moxibustion therapy are highly effective in treating PMS symptoms. "Ci Liao" (UB 32) and “San Yin Jiao” (SP6) are a powerful point combination, which using either Acupuncture or Acupressure can be used to help resolve this condition.
- The Classic Herbal formula Xiao Yao Wan is the go-to treatment in addressing many of the symptoms associated with PMS. The Chinese Herb Yi Mu Cao is commonly cooked in a soup to help warm the uterus and ease menstrual cramps.