Hormones and Essential Energy
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the body's elements of essential energy are referred to as “Jing” (the essential Substance,) “Qi” (Energy,) and “Shen” (Spirit). Combined, they reflect the overall physical health condition and status of bodily functions. The Western medicine equivalent might be the complex neuro-endocrine control system. Specific blood tests can serve as quantified indicators, which include comprehensive assessment of a variety of hormones such as thyroxine, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, adrenal hormones, insulin, and so on.
Hormone imbalance or decline is the one of the main initiators of the aging process. Hormone production reaches its peak during adolescence, when its primary function is to help promote and maintain a strong physical and mental state. As we age, hormonal decline may engender dysfunction of the various body organs, tissues and joints, symptoms of which may include fatigue, insomnia, pain, stiffness, difficulty concentrating, decreased libido, aging of the skin and other symptoms of degeneration. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), this syndrome is referred to as "deficiency of Kidney Jing ", for which the treatment protocol includes balancing yin and yang, replenishing kidney essence and nourishing the blood in order to strengthen the bones and soft tendons, boost memory and concentration, prevent disease and promote overall anti-aging and longevity.
Our Herbal Products for Maintaining Hormonal Balance:
Menopex/GNL | Alleviates the symptoms associated with menopausal syndrome |
New-vigour/HJJ | Anti-aging complex that helps boost men’s essential energy |
Thyro-ease/JKP | Eases the symptoms of hyperthyroid syndromes. |
Nod-ease / YTP | Helps eliminate thyroid nodules |
Thyadre-act/JQS | Eases the symptoms of hypothyroid syndromes |
Diabease / TNL | Eases the symptoms associates with diabetes |
Balance-fit/SS | Helps control weight by balancing hormones |
Cleanse-fit/QG | Helps control weight by cleansing the intestine |
Osteo-Essence / MG | Increases bone density and aids in the prevention of osteoporosis |
Da Bu Gao | Increases supplementation of bone marrow and aids in the prevention of osteoporosis |
Ova-essential / JXB | Nourishes Qi to support healthy egg growth and development |
Uter-warm/NGN | Improves the nutritional quality of the uterine lining to help maintain early pregnancy |
Women Fertility Tonic | Promotes female’s sexual function and general wellbeing |
Male Fertility Tonic | Promotes male’s sexual function and general wellbeing |
Milk-flow / TR | Helps increase postpartum breast milk secretion |
Xiao Yao Wan | Relieves the symptoms associated with PMS such as anxiety, irritability, stress and depression |
Breastex / RHX | Eases pain and tenderness in breasts, help reduce inflammation and cystic lumps, balances hormones and boosts immunity to aid in the prevention of breast cancer |

Hormone Laboratory Tests
The Main Roles of Human Hormonal Function The Physiological Role of the Hormones Ten Important Hormones for Age Maintenance |
The Main Roles of Human Hormonal Function
Hormones are a chemical substance of the human endocrine cells, synthesized and directly secreted into the bloodstream. They influence the body's physiological activities by regulating the metabolic activity of a variety of tissue cells. They play an important role in human reproduction, growth, development, and various other physiological functions and behavioral changes, and influence our ability to adapt to our internal and external environments.
The main human endocrine glands include: the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, and gonads.
The main roles of human hormonal function include:
- Female hormones: ovarian development and function
- Growth hormone: growth and development
- Thyroid hormones: maintain body’s functions and activities
- Parathyroid hormone: maintain calcium levels and related function
- Epinephrine: crucial component of the fight-or-flight response of the sympathetic nervous system
- Insulin: maintain blood glucose levels
- Estrogen and progestin: regulate menstruation to maintain fertility
- Male hormones: male sexual characteristics and reproductive function.
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The Physiological Role of the Hormones
The physiological role of the hormones is to:
- Maintain metabolic balance (by regulating the metabolism of protein, sugar, fat, water and salt ;)
- Provide energy for physical activity;
- Promote cell division and differentiation;
- Ensure growth, development and maturation of tissues and organs;
- Influence nervous system development and activities so that the body can better adapt to environmental changes;
- Promote the development and maturation of the reproductive organs and regulate the reproductive process, thus impacting the aging process.
10 Important Hormone Levels for Maintaining Physiological health
Basic panel testing of specific Hormone levels provides a broad overview of the present status and function of the body's endocrine and immune systems as well as metabolism. Through analysis and evaluation, a diagnosis and treatment plan can be established. This standard medical procedure provides reference indicators for integrative and comprehensive wellness care.
The 10 Main Hormone levels to be tested include: Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Estradiol (E2), Progesterone (P), Testosterone (T), Prolactin (PRL), Cortisol (CORT), Insulin (INSULIN), Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Thyroid Hormone (T3, T4).
Clinical Significance:
FSH (Follicular Stimulating Hormone) relates to reproductive activity. FSH levels refer to the condition of female ovarian function and overall aging.
LH (Luteinizing Hormone): Men and women with low LH levels may encounter fertility issues; low LH values may indicate pituitary or hypothalamic dysfunction, or reference to menopause or aging.
E2 (Estradiol): Decreased E2 levels may result in an abnormal menstrual cycle, such as primary or secondary amenorrhea or premature ovarian failure. Increased E2 levels in males may indicate feminization syndrome, breast feminization or testicular cancer. During infertility treatment (especially in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI) procedure,) E2 monitoring is often used for evaluating ovulation induction and subsequent intervention. Estradiol, Progesterone, and Testosterone levels provide reference indicators for integrative and comprehensive wellness care.
P (Progesterone): Progesterone levels are mainly used to understand the function of the corpus luteum and ovulatory activity. Lower Progesterone levels may indicate anovulation, ovarian dysfunction, and luteal phase defect, menstruation without ovulation, amenorrhea, pituitary dysfunction syndrome and Addison's disease. Increased Progesterone levels may indicate pregnancy, pregnancy with twins, lipid ovarian tumor, corpus luteum cyst, and choriocarcinoma cell carcinoma. Estradiol, Progesterone, and Testosterone levels provide reference indicators for integrative and comprehensive wellness care.
T (Testosterone): Whether male or female, Testosterone plays an important role in enhancing libido, strengthening immune function and preventing osteoporosis. Adult male testosterone levels are 20 times that of the adult female. Estradiol, Progesterone, and Testosterone levels provide reference indicators for integrative and comprehensive wellness care.
PRL (Prolactin): concentrations of PRL contribute to the determination of the diagnosis of hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction. Pituitary tumors can cause hyperprolactinemia, sometimes associated with male impotence. High PRL levels are generally associated with galactorrhea and amenorrhea. PRL levels that have decreased due to a period of drug treatment will likely return to normal once the course of treatment is completed.
CORT (Cortisol): Cortisol represents the link between the immune system and inflammatory cells, blood vessels and blood pressure, as well as the maintenance of connective tissue (eg. bone, muscle and skin.) Cortisol levels tend to be on the high side in those individuals living with increased pressure due to the pace of daily life, stress, poor diet, insufficient sleep, and difficulty achieving reasonable work/life balance. The negative effects of high Cortisol levels present as changes in metabolism (impaired blood sugar regulation, increased appetite, weight gain, loss of libido, and extreme fatigue,) tension, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, obesity, allergies and sexual dysfunction. Stress management is key in regulating Cortisol levels.
INS (insulin): High insulin levels: indicate cells have a diminished sensitivity to insulin which in turn prevents blood sugar from being metabolized by the cells. This is a precursor to Type 2 Diabetes. Low Insulin levels: may indicate compromised pancreatic function. Evaluation of Insulin levels provides valuable insight into various body functions and this information is essential in planning treatment for such conditions as hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, stability, and cardiovascular disease prevention. Regulating insulin levels helps stabilize blood glucose levels, blood lipids, blood pressure and cardiac function.
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone): Increased TSH may be indicative of primary hypothyroidism associated with thyroid dysfunction, Hashimoto disease, exogenous thyroid stimulating hormone secreting tumors of the lung or breast, and the recovery stage of sub-acute thyroiditis. Decreased TSH may be indicative of pituitary hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism due to non-thyroid-stimulating hormone tumors, as well as the intake of aspirin, corticosteroids, or intravenous use of heparin.
(T3, T4) (Thyroid Hormone): The thyroid gland uses iodine from food to make two thyroid hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Increased T3/T4 may be indicative of hyperthyroidism, T3 hyperthyroidism, T3 toxemia, the use of thyroid preparations for treatment of overdose, etc.; decreased T3 may be indicative of non-thyroid disease related low T3 syndrome, or chronic thyroiditis. Parallel changes in T3/T4 may be indicative of hyperthyroidism or T3 toxemia.
Hypothyroidism may be associated with infertility, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, obesity and tension, depression, anxiety and the incidence of emotional disorders. The clinical determination of its indicators helps to analyze the cause in order to select the appropriate form of therapy.

Insufficient Growth in Children and Adolescents
HGH (Human Growth Hormone) is the main hormone responsible for healthy and productive growth in children. This hormone is manufactured in the brain by the pituitary gland. In most cases, children have sufficient hormone level production in order to promote adequate growth, however in some cases, children experience disorders within the pituitary gland that result in a deficiency of hormone production. Hypopituitarism is the condition where there is a lack of hormone production in the pituitary gland.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) this condition is referred to as a deficiency of kidney “Jing.” “Jing” is the essence of Qi and the basis for body matter and functional activities. There are two types of Jing, congenital Jing and acquired Jing, which are stored in the kidney, collectively known as kidney Jing. Unlike Qi, Jing circulates in long cycles (seven years for females and eight years for males) governing developmental stages. The function of Jing is to provide the basis for kidney Qi, produce marrow, and promote growth, development and reproduction.
Congenital Jing comes from the parents and determines basic constitution; it cannot be altered, but it can be positively influenced by acquired Jing. Acquired Jing is produced by the spleen and stomach from ingested food and drink, stored in the kidney and circulated throughout the body. Congenital and acquired Jing have a promoting/controlling relationship with each other and their interaction produces kidney Jing; all three play a part in determining growth and development, sexual maturation, reproduction, and aging
Acupuncture points Shen Shu (BL23), Zu San Li (ST36), and Ming Men (Du4) can stimulate the development of kidney Jing. Moxibustion along the Du meridian can also boost kidney Jing as well as increase bone density. Herbal Tonics such as Da Bu Gao are most effective for increasing essential essence of the body, especially strengthening bone marrow. Herbal formulas Zuo Gui Wan and You Gui Wan can reinforce the kidney Qi and nourishes Yin-Yang principles. They are commonly used as a combined Herbal remedy for supporting bone marrow development, while simultaneously treating weakness of the limbs. Research conducted on both mice and human patients has shown that together they can promote a marked increase in the production of the male sex hormone testosterone, as well as promote bone development.

Irregular Menstruation
Irregular Periods occur when hormone levels are out of sync. The glands involved with the process of menstruation include the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and the ovaries - often referred to as the HPO or (HPG for Gonadal) Axis. The main hormonal related types of menstrual disorders include Amenorrhea and Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS).
Irregular menstruation includes early, late, and irregular menstrual cycles. It also refers to excessive or deficient menstrual blood. The color of irregular menstrual blood is usually either dark purple or light pink and may be either too thick or too thin. Causes for irregular menstruation belong to two main categories. The first category includes irregular menstruation due to neuroendocrine dysfunction: hypothalamic - pituitary - ovarian (HPO or HPG) axis function that is either unstable or defective. The second category includes irregular menstruation which comes about as a result of disease and/or medication. TCM treatment of menstrual disorders is mainly focused on the treatment of irregular menstruation belonging to the first category of neuroendocrine dysfunction.
Early menstruation refers to menstrual cycles that are shorter than 21 days, and the continuous appearance of such for more than two consecutive cycles. The menstrual flow is normal. Delayed menstruation refers to menstrual cycles that are more than 7 days late, or even over 40 to 50 days between cycles, also for more than two consecutive cycles. In this case, the menstrual flow is also normal. Prolonged menstruation refers to normal menstrual cycles that are prolonged for over seven days. They may appear with excessive menstrual flow or a small quantity of persistent vaginal bleeding. Random menstruation refers to either early or delayed menstrual cycles - either shorter than 21 days, or longer than 35 days. Midcycle bleeding refers to the bleeding that happens between two normal menstrual cycles. Dysmenorrhea is brought about by release of prostaglandins and other inflammatory mediators in the uterus which cause the uterus to contract. While this is a normal function of regular menstruation, women with primary dysmenorrhea have increased activity of the uterine muscle with increased contractility and increased frequency of uterine contractions which are usually accompanied by symptoms such as gastrointestinal pain, abdominal pain and vomiting.
Chinese Herbal formulas for the treatment of irregular menstruation are divided into different disease patterns based on the patient's individual diagnosis:
- Liver Depression leading to Qi stagnation: Often resulting from situations such as failing to achieve one’s goals, excessive pressure in the workplace, irregular lifestyle, mental depression and other factors. Recommended formula: Dan Zhi Xiao Yao teapills.
- Blood Deficiency: Congenital lack of innate pre-natal endowment, or factors such as malnutrition or malabsorption. Recommended formula: Wu Ji Bai Feng pills.
- Cold in the Womb and Blood Stasis: Insufficient blood circulation in the pelvic region leading to ovarian dysfunction. Recommended formula: Nuan Gong pills.
- Qi Stagnation: Adverse emotional states or chronic diseases resulting in blockage of blood circulation ultimately leading to blood stasis, which can be the source of pain. Recommended therapy: Artemisia (mugwort or Moxa) ointment.
[expander_maker more="Read more" less="Close"]Acupuncture has been shown to have an excellent effect in regulating the menstrual cycle. Acupuncture or moxibustion on acupuncture points Ren 4 (Guan Yuan), Ren 6 (San Yin Jiao), and UB 32 (Ci Liao) point, can relieve the symptoms of dysmenorrhea within minutes.
Amenorrhea: Lack of menstruation, other than before puberty, during pregnancy, and after menopause, may be the symptom of a treatable medical condition. Possible causes of amenorrhea include: abnormalities in the uterine lining resulting from birth defects, infection or poor response to hormones; ovarian dysfunction, such as premature ovarian failure and tumors; pituitary dysfunction due to factors such as tumors and postnatal injuries; hypothalamus dysfunction resulting from long term use of birth control pills, and emotional and/or physical stress; or endocrine disorders arising from the adrenal glands, thyroid or pancreas.
TCM treatment of Amenorrhea is mainly focused on the treatment for missed periods due to dysfunction of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries or uterus. Acupuncture activates the flow and enhances Kidney Jing, and removes blockages to ensure the smooth flow of Qi and Blood to the ovaries and uterus. Herbal Formula Ova-essential / JXB promotes healthy egg development, reinforces kidney Jing, and enriches the blood to address blood deficiency.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): PMS results from hormonal imbalance prior to menstruation; symptoms of which may include breast tenderness, bloating, cramps, mood swings, and headaches. Increased levels of aldosterone may lead to fluid retention, weight gain, breast swelling, and headaches. Increased levels of prolactin can interfere with ovulation, resulting in irregular cycles and breast tenderness. Deficiency of the neurotransmitter serotonin can result in anxiety and depression. PMS related mood swings may result from a hypersensitivity to normal premenstrual changes in estrogen and progesterone levels. This sensitivity may trigger an insufficiency in serotonin receptors. High levels of estrogen and progesterone may also lead to increased insulin production leading to episodes of low blood sugar, which may also trigger premenstrual symptoms.
Acupuncture and Moxibustion therapy are highly effective in treating PMS symptoms. "Ci Liao" (UB 32) and “San Yin Jiao” (SP6) are a powerful point combination, which using either Acupuncture or Acupressure can be used to help resolve this condition. The Classic Herbal formula Xiao Yao Wan is the go-to treatment in addressing many of the symptoms associated with PMS. The Chinese Herb Yi Mu Cao is commonly cooked in a soup to help warm the uterus and ease menstrual cramps. [/expander_maker]

Infertility is defined as a couple's inability to conceive after one year of attempting to conceive without the use of any birth control methods. For all couples who have not conceived after one year, about half will go on to conceive naturally in the following year. A woman's fertility declines from her mid-30s into her 40s, as her egg supply ages. At the same time, her risk of miscarriage increases. Although a man's sperm count decreases with age, male fertility is not known to be greatly affected by age.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) infertility treatment combines Acupuncture and Herbs to treat patients with absent or infrequent ovulation, obstructed fallopian tubes, habitual miscarriage, and deficiency of sperm (number, motility, or appearance). Acupuncture and Herbal treatment are the most commonly utilized Complimentary therapies for natural fertility enhancement by those who choose to avoid Western pharmaceutical intervention. Patients have the option to use either Acupuncture combined with Herbal therapy as a completely natural therapy, or in conjunction with IVF or IUI procedures. Over the past 22 years, Ming Qi Natural Health Care Center has helped over 1,000 patients conceive, including more than 600 cases from various renowned IVF Centers in New York City.
For Women:
Acupuncture and Herbs are used to treat the woman’s overall health condition. Based on the nature of the infertility disorder, the treatment is designed in accordance with the woman’s individual menstrual cycle. The following treatment method is applied:
During days 5 to 11 of the menstrual cycle, the treatment plan is focused on promoting healthy egg development. The Herbal formula Ova-essential/JXB is used to build kidney “Jing” (or Essence) and nourish the blood. Certain specific Acupuncture points have been shown to stimulate hormones and improve egg quality.
From days 12 to 13, the treatment focus is to aid the fallopian tubes and ovaries to promote ovulation. Specific Acupuncture points have been shown to promote full and smooth ovulation. The Herbal formula, “Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang,” is beneficial for those women who experience abdominal pain during ovulation.
From days 14 to 28, the treatment focus is on conceiving and, in the event that conception has occurred, promoting fetal development. Herbal formulas Uter-warm/NGN and Women Fertility Tonic are well-known traditional products that are used regularly in China to improve the nutritional quality of the uterine lining and help maintain an early pregnancy.
For Men:
Male infertility is mainly due to low sperm count, disorders of sperm shape and/or mobility, or immune factors. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) it is common practice to treat both female and male simultaneously to improve their overall fertility. Clinical research has shown that Acupuncture combined with Herbs will greatly increase the success rate for fertility treatments. It is extremely effective in improving sperm count and quality.
The treatment focuses on improving sperm count, motility (the ability to move or swim in a straight line), shape and size. It also benefits the general health condition of the patient, while relieving stress, strengthening energy and balancing hormones. It is highly recommended that Acupuncture be used in conjunction with Moxibustion and Herbal tonics in the treatment of male infertility. The traditional Herbal products New-vigour/HJJ and Male Fertility Tonic are Herbal serums designed to promote male’s sexual function and overall general health and wellbeing.
More details, please clikc “Infertility & IVF / IUI”

Morning Sickness
Morning sickness, also referred to as nausea gravidarum, nausea, vomiting of pregnancy (emesis gravidarum or NVP), or pregnancy sickness is a condition that affects more than half of all pregnant women. Related to increased estrogen levels, sometimes symptoms are present in the early hours of the morning and reduce as the day progresses. However, in spite of its common name, it can occur at any time of the day. Nausea and vomiting can be one of the first signs of pregnancy and usually begins around the 6th week of pregnancy (counting gestational age from 14 days before conception).
- Acupuncture on Nei Guan (P6 or PC6) is commonly used to help relieve nausea, upset stomach and motion sickness. It is commonly used for self-treatment with acupressure. To find and use this acupressure point, locate the point by turning your hand over so the palm is facing up. This point is located between the two tendons running from your wrist to your elbow, approximately three finger breadths from the wrist crease. Apply downward pressure between the two tendons, massaging and stimulating the area for 4-5 seconds
- Moxibustion applied on the umbilicus will help ease nausea within a few minutes
- Ginger products such as tea, cookies, and candy can be safely used to help alleviate morning sickness.

A miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy. Most often miscarriages occur naturally in response to a chromosomal disorder in the fetus. This does not necessarily reflect on the health condition of the mother or father, nor does it necessarily indicate a propensity toward recurrence. Certain health conditions however, such as diabetes, thyroid disease, lupus, heart disease and uterine infections, may increase a woman's odds of miscarrying. Managing the condition before and during pregnancy can reduce the overall risk of miscarriage. Excess alcohol use, smoking, improper exercise and stress are all factors that may also increase risk.
Decreased progesterone levels post implantation may be insufficient to support the fetus and help the placenta take hold. Medication may be recommended to boost hormone levels to successfully support subsequent pregnancies. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine are also very effective therapies for preventing miscarriage due to low progesterone levels. It is highly recommended that those patients with a history of miscarriage undertake preventive care prior to conception. Acupuncture promotes blood flow and regulates hormone levels to support the growth of the uterine lining and overall fetal development. It also is also highly effective at reducing stress and anxiety, to promote a healthy first trimester. It is perfectly safe for pregnant women to undergo weekly Acupuncture therapy throughout their pregnancy.
The Herbal formula “Tai Shan Pan Shi Ying,” is a classic Herbal tea used in China for thousands of years in the prevention of miscarriage. It is also used as a general Herbal tonic in the early stages of pregnancy. Acupuncture combined with Chinese Herbal medicine can greatly increase the odds of bringing a pregnancy to full term. For those patients with a history of miscarriage due to chromosomal abnormalities, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine for both the man and woman, begun at least one month prior to attempting to conceive, may have a great impact in improving the overall quality of the eggs and sperm cells.

Insufficient Lactation
Milk secretion and excretion are regulated by a variety of hormones. Prolactin excreted by the pituitary gland can stimulate the secretion of breast milk. When a baby suckles, prolactin excretion increases. Another hormone that regulates the secretion of breast milk is oxytocin, which contracts the small muscles around the breasts so as to promote the discharge of the breast milk to the nipples from the milk ducts.
Chinese medicine can be a safe and effective treatment option for inadequate secretion of milk. According to the specific circumstances of breast-feeding, mothers may improve the secretion of breast milk through using methods such as acupuncture, Herbs and massage therapy. Insufficient postpartum lactation is a result of either inadequate production of milk or some form of inhibited secretion. In Chinese Medical theory, inadequate milk production results from blood deficiency due to insufficient absorption of nutrients by the stomach. Inhibited milk secretion, indicates a stagnation of Qi. Various emotions, such as stress, anger, depression, etc. may lead to the stagnation of the liver meridian, which runs across the breast area, resulting in breast tenderness. Mastitis, or inflammation of the breast tissue, may also lead to inhibited milk secretion. Our Milk-flow / TR Formula is an effective treatment option for insufficient postpartum lactation. By regulating pituitary function and promoting the free flow of Qi and Blood, this formula both increases milk production, and promotes the proper discharge of milk.

Breast Conditions
When a young girl's ovaries begin to release estrogen, breasts begin to develop and fatty tissue is deposited in the breast area. It is quite normal for the size and shape of the breasts to change over the course of menstruation, pregnancy and aging. Due to the hormonal changes (more specifically, fluctuations in estrogen levels) associated with the menstrual cycle, many women experience breast tenderness and/or swelling before menstruation. When women begin to approach menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels begin to fluctuate, and especially in the case of estrogen, levels decrease significantly. Without estrogen, breast connective tissue begins to dehydrate and lose elasticity, resulting in post menopausal breast sagging.
Cyclical changes in hormones can cause a series of natural changes of breasts, and abnormal fluctuations of hormones can also help engender breast diseases, such as breast cysts and breast hyperplasia. In Chinese Medical theory, this condition is as a result of the stagnation of liver qi and an accumulation of dampness and phlegm. The treatment plan focuses on balancing hormones, and relieving stress to diminish the growth of cysts or prevent post-surgical recurrence.
By applying needles directly around the lumps, Acupuncture has been shown to be very effective in the treatment of breast lumps. Bruising may occur with this treatment. If the patient, for personal reasons, would prefer not to have acupuncture treatment directly on the breasts, they may notify their acupuncturist, and other treatment protocols will be considered. Herbal moxibustion applied directly to the lump, is a highly recommended form of therapy, given its anti-inflammatory analgesic effect and clinically proven efficacy in reducing breast lumps. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment must be scheduled at least once within the 11th to the 13th days of the menstrual period (during ovulation). Further treatment can also be scheduled during the first 3 to 5 days before the next menstrual cycle.
Our proprietary formula, Breastex / RHX is effective in eliminating breast lumps. This preparation can help to clear the lymphatic system and eliminate breast swelling and cysts. It can also improve the body's immune system and shrink enlarged lymph nodes. It can be used both in the treatment of breast cysts and in breast cancer prevention.

Menopause is a period of a woman’s life wherein certain levels of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone begin to decline. This is a normal part of a woman’s aging process and begins two to five years before her last menstrual period. It is usually complete when one or more years have passed since the last menstrual cycle.
Menopause is brought about by the gradual decline of a woman’s hormone levels. Hysterectomy, a surgical procedure to remove the uterus may also bring about the onset of menopause. Other factors that may contribute to premature menopause may include heavy smoking, removal of the pituitary gland, chemotherapy, and eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.
Some symptoms of menopause include changes to the menstrual cycle, hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia, heart palpitations, joint pain, headaches, vaginal dryness, and skin, hair and urinary changes. Due to the decline of estrogen, women undergoing menopause are at a higher risk for osteoporosis, vaginal dryness and itching, vaginal infections, pain during sexual intercourse, uncontrollable leakage of urine, urinary tract infection, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, hypertension, stroke, and weight gain.
We offer various programs to help deal with the effects of menopausal syndrome, such as:
- Hot Flash Treatment: Acupuncture treatment has been shown to improve ovarian function to increase estrogen production naturally. Herbal formula Menopex/GNL has been used in China since 1986 to regulate hormone levels and provide relief from hot flashes. It can also be used as a daily anti-aging supplement as it nourishes women’s essential energy.
- Osteoporosis Prevention/Treatment: Moxibustion, along with Herbs applied along the spinal and hip areas, is very effective in the prevention/treatment of osteoporosis. Herbal formula Osteo-Essence/MG has undergone extensive clinical trials in China and is recommended to treat osteoporosis.
- Cardiac Care: Women undergoing menopause are susceptible to high cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Since these problems are closely related to hormonal changes, Acupuncture and Herbal treatment to balance hormones will be helpful in managing heart health. This treatment also eases the symptoms of insomnia, irregular heartbeat, palpitations, and panic attacks.
- Dryness (hair, skin, vaginal): The Herbal formula Women Special Tonic is very useful in the treatment of hair loss, dry skin, and burning, itching, and dry sensation of the vagina. It is often used, taken internally, for facial and skin care. Facial and body massage with Herbal aromatherapy is also an effective therapy in the treatment of the symptoms of dryness.
- Vaginal Dryness often occurs during menopause due to diminishing levels of the hormone estrogen which causes changes in the vagina. These changes can result in less lubrication and a feeling of vaginal dryness. For many women, these vaginal changes can cause other uncomfortable symptoms such as itching, burning, and irritation. Sexual relations may also be difficult, or even painful. Herbal serums can be used for massage or added to bathwater to ease the discomfort. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal therapy are extremely effective in treating menopausal symptoms, such as vaginal dryness, hot flashes, or night sweats.
- Concentration and Memory Enhancement: Scalp Acupuncture and Acupressure are recommended for menopausal patients to improve their concentration and memory. It is also effective in treating/preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, foot reflexology combined with Herbal soaking proves highly beneficial for the enhancement of one’s concentration and memory.
- Weight Loss: Acupuncture and Herbal formulas aid in patient’s weight loss therapy through balancing hormones, controlling the appetite, and improving metabolism and internal detoxification. Ear Acupuncture points have been shown to be effective in boosting fat metabolism in the treatment of obesity. Herbal massage is commonly applied on the body to promote fat metabolism and approve the appearance of cellulite.

Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction refers to a problem during any phase of the sexual response cycle that prevents the individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. The sexual response cycle has four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. Both men and women are affected by sexual dysfunction. Sexual problems occur in adults of all ages. Among those commonly affected are older adults, and they may be related to a decline in hormone levels associated with aging.
Sexual Dysfunction in Women Sexual Dysfunction in Men TCM Care for Sexual Dysfunction |
Sexual Dysfunction in Women
The most common problems related to sexual dysfunction in women include:
- Inhibited sexual desire. This involves a lack of sexual desire or interest in sex. Many factors can contribute to a lack of desire, including hormonal changes, medical conditions and treatments.
- Inability to become aroused. For women, the inability to become physically aroused during sexual activity often involves insufficient vaginal lubrication associated with female hormone decline.
- Lack of orgasm (anorgasmia). This is the absence of sexual climax (orgasm). This may result from many causes, but may also be related to hormonal decline associated with the aging process.
- Painful intercourse. Pain during intercourse may be caused by a number of medical conditions; insufficient lubrication leading to painful intercourse may also result from hormonal decline.
Sexual Dysfunction in Men:
The most common problems related to sexual dysfunction in men are ejaculation disorders, erectile dysfunction and inhibited sexual desire.
- Ejaculation disorders include: Premature ejaculation: This refers to ejaculation that occurs before or soon after penetration. Inhibited or retarded ejaculation: This is when ejaculation is slow to occur. Retrograde ejaculation: This occurs when, at orgasm, the ejaculate is forced back into the bladder rather than through the urethra and out the end of the penis.
- Erectile Dysfunction also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability to attain and/or maintain an erection suitable for intercourse. Causes of erectile dysfunction include diseases affecting blood flow and male sexual hormone deficiency.
- Inhibited Sexual Desire or loss of libido refers to a decrease in desire for, or interest in sexual activity. Reduced libido can result from physical or psychological factors. It has been associated with low levels of the hormone testosterone. It also may be caused by psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression and medical illnesses.
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TCM Care for Sexual Dysfunction
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, decreased sexual function or desire comes about as a result of either a deficiency of Kidney Yang or Kidney Jing. This applies to both men and women. The symptoms of Kidney Yang Deficiency include cold hands and feet, lower back pain, impotence and decreased libido; the symptoms of Kidney Jing Deficiency include signs of "heat", such as in the soles and palms, dizziness, tinnitus and fatigue, vaginal dryness in women, and reduced ejaculate volume in men. Stress or emotional constraint is also thought to be contributing factors in impotence.
Acupuncture and Moxibustion can balance the “yin and yang,” relieve stress, and improve sexual function, usually within as little as 6 visits. Teenagers to young adults suffering from nocturnal emission or decreased sexual function may be treated using Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Herbs to balance their hormone levels, relieve stress, and prevent the development of constant or chronic sexual dysfunction.
Decreased sexual energy from physical fatigue or low hormone levels can be improved in as little as one or two treatments. Impotence resulting from side effects of certain medications or an internal medical condition may require a longer course of treatment before you begin to see results. Men over 45 years of age with decreased sexual energy can undergo treatment using Acupuncture, Herbs and Moxibustion, which has been shown to help improve the overall sexual health condition, however, they may not be as quick to respond as with the other conditions mentioned.
Since Acupuncture and Moxibustion can help improve a man’s sexual function, it can also be used for male infertility. It can help increase the sperm’s quality and quantity, improve the shape and mobility, and enhance the ability to move “against gravity.” Acupuncture and Moxibustion are commonly offered when a couple goes through infertility treatment.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, “Jing” is a fundamental essence of the body. Long-term sexual dysfunction is an indication of “Jing” deficiency in men. Due to this underlying weakness of “Jing”, men may find that even using Western Pharmaceutical medication for improving sexual function is ineffectual. However, it is possible to achieve a satisfactory result using Chinese Herbs and/or Acupuncture treatment, which nourishes “Jing” and therefore strengthens sexual function.
Chinese treatment principles such as strengthening “Jing”, tonifying blood and detoxification can also prevent prostate disorders such as enlarged prostate, prostate infection and prostate cancer. Acupuncture and Acupressure treatments, along with adjusting the frequency of one's sexual activity, and learning a special scrotum massage exercise, can reduce the probability of developing prostate disorders. Treatment with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture can markedly improve the patient's immune function and reduce the incidence of prostate cancer.
Clinical research has shown that Acupuncture with Moxibustion significantly improves sexual function by boosting male hormone levels and promoting increased growth rate of sperm cells. Scrotum and testicle massage with Herbal essential oil is a special Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy for enhancing sexual energy, maintaining good health and promoting anti-aging.
Recommended Special Products:
- Men’s Herbal Tonic is made from 36 Herbs especially chosen to supplement the nutritional material required to boost sexual function. This tonic is a well-known Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) natural product that can be customized on a case by case basis.
- “Female Secret Treasure” Herbal-aroma serum made up of Rose, Jasmine and Dang Gui is recognized for improving the ability to reach
- Summer Moxibustion is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy, which is applied three times annually during the First Summer, Middle Summer, and End Summer periods of the Chinese Lunar Calendar, which fall between the months of June to August. It works gradually and effectively to stimulate and accumulate sexual energy, as well as material basis (“Jing”). It is recommended that all men over the age of 45 should participate in this annual health care therapy, even if symptoms of sexual energy deficiency are not evident.
- Gentlemen Treasure Herbal Oil is a secret formula dating back to the Ming Dynasty that may be used for massage or a bath soak to increase sexual energy and desire. It is also a great product for maintaining a healthy prostate and preventing prostate degeneration or other abnormal changes. [/expander_maker]

Obesity is an excess proportion of total body fat. In TCM theory obesity is related to the whole body’s health conditions such as metabolic imbalance, hormonal disorders, stress, digestive system disorders, and toxicity in the body. It is also related to the person’s living environment and his/her daily lifestyle. The TCM diagnoses for obesity include Qi deficiency, dampness in the body, or Qi stagnation.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine has been used for weight loss for more than a thousand years. It treats body organ or system disorders to achieve a healthy weight standard. It can improve the metabolism and balance the endocrine hormones through lowering the glucose in the blood, increasing adrenal activity, speeding up fat burning and controlling cravings or desires for food and sugar. The treatment methods include acupuncture, tui na acupressure, Herbal-aroma massage therapy, Moxibustion, Herbal dietary therapy and exercise.
Acupuncture: Traditional needle technique addresses whole body health care needs, especially good for addressing some weight gain related diseases such as hypothyroidism, menopausal syndrome, stress, depression, and food or sugar cravings. The acupuncture points will be selected according to individual health condition. Electric stimulation (E-stim) may be included to achieve better results.
Auricular needle technique small studs are applied to the ears and should be worn for 2-3 days with a waterproof covering at home. Patients press certain points on the ear three times a day when they feel hungry to control appetite, balance hormones and relieve stress. This technique helps reduce cravings and make the weight loss process easier and smoother.
Fat burning technique is applied on underarm, abdomen, buttocks or waist where fat is stored. Needles are inserted in the deep fatty tissue and are heated by Moxibustion. This treatment works specifically to reduce the accumulated fat in certain areas of the body. Patients may experience slight bruising for 2-3 days after the procedure.[expander_maker more="Read more" less="Close"]
Acupressure: Meridian Qi Gong Tui Na works effectively to treat obesity resulting from both physical illness and specific disorders; Reflexology can increase the body’s metabolism to burn fat as fuel. Scalp massage helps balance the endocrine and sexual hormones as well as relax the body mentally and physically,
Lymphatic drainage therapy follows the Lymphatic channels to promote immune strengthening and system cleansing for treating weight gain, water retention, cellulite and toxin stagnation, Herbal-aromatherapy massage seeks to induce relaxation, balance body systems, improve physical energy and speed fat burning.
Chinese Herbal Formulas
- Cleanse-fit /QC is an Herbal product used for weight control; specifically by colon and blood cleansing. It can clear toxins from the colon, lower blood lipids, clean the blood, and promote the liver and kidney to conduct comprehensive body cleansing. It is often used for the patients who suffer from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, varicose veins, constipation, abdominal pain and bloating, hypochondriac pain, hemorrhoids, obesity, diabetes and limb numbness.
- Balance-fit / SS is specially designed to address weight gain resulting from hormonal imbalances such as those that may come about from menopause or thyroid disorders.
Please Click “Beauty & Fitness” for more information [/expander_maker]

Bones are constantly growing and continually change throughout your life, with some bone cells dissolving and new bone cells growing back in a process called remodeling. With this lifelong turnover of bone cells, you replace most of your skeleton every 10 years.
The most common cause of osteoporosis in women is estrogen deficiency. Bone loss accelerates after menopause, when women experience a quick decrease in estrogen production. Over time, the risk of osteoporosis and fracture increases, as post-menopausal women lose more bone than they replace. Younger women who stop menstruating -- such as thin athletes or girls with anorexia -- also have compromised bone density. Having both ovaries surgically removed, may also lead to low bone density and osteoporosis. Osteoporosis in men results from low testosterone levels. Men need both testosterone and estrogen for bone health. Parathyroid hormone and growth hormone play a role in regulating bone density .They help orchestrate how well your bones use calcium -- and when to build up and break down bone.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Osteoporosis Care:
- Acupuncture points "Da Shu" (under the first thoracic vertebra) and "Jue Gu" (near the lateral malleolus) can increase bone density and bone marrow and help improve the symptoms of osteoporosis.
- Moxibustion on both sides of spine is a very effective traditional therapy for Osteoporosis. It can enhance bone density, improves alignment of spinal physiological curvature and supplement bone marrow.
- Herbal Formulas and Herbs Diet effectively increase bone density and bone marrow. They can be used to help strengthen bone density and marrow production in children, and aid the elderly in maintaining bone mineral density and proper alignment of spinal physiological curvature. They can also be used for prevention of spinal curvature and osteoporosis.
Osteo-Essence / MG increases bone density and helps prevent osteoporosis.
Da Bu Gao increases supplement of bone marrow and helps prevent osteoporosis

Thyroid Dysfunction
Through the hormones it produces, the thyroid gland influences almost all of the metabolic processes in our body. Thyroid disorders can range from a small, harmless goiter (enlarged gland) that needs no treatment to life-threatening conditions such as cancer. The most common thyroid disorders involve abnormal production of thyroid hormones. Excess thyroid hormone production can result in a condition known as hyperthyroidism. Insufficient hormone production may leads to hypothyroidism. Disorders of the thyroid and pituitary, exposure to excessive amounts of iodide, and certain medications have been shown to lead to thyroid dysfunction.
Hyperthyroidism: Pathological increase in Thyroid Hormone production due to a variety of causes, characterized by the presence of goiters, bulging eyes (exophthalmos), basal metabolic increases and autonomic nervous system dysfunction.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Treatment Plan:
- Acupuncture balances TSH levels and eases symptoms of palpitations, excessive sweating, weight loss and insomnia.
- Moxibustion effectively helps shrink goiters.
- Herbal formula Thyro-ease/JKP helps ease the symptoms of hyperthyroid syndromes.
- Herbal formula Nod-ease / YTP helps eliminate thyroid nodules
Hypothyroidism: Pathological decrease in Thyroid Hormone production due to a variety of causes. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include: decreased sweating, chills, slow movement, fatigue, mental deterioration, anorexia, constipation and weight gain.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Treatment Plan:
- Acupuncture can stimulate the body to naturally produce thyroid hormone and help balance T3 and T4 levels. It also eases the symptoms of fatigue, constipation, weight gain, water retention and cold limbs.
- Moxibustion is effective therapy for increasing metabolism and promoting blood circulation.
- Lymphatic drainage massage relieves water retention and aids in controlling weight gain.
- Herbal formula Thyadre-act/JQS Helps to ease the symptoms of hypothyroid syndromes

Diabetes is a common endocrine - metabolic disorder which influences a variety of body system functions. Reduced insulin sensitivity results in metabolic disorders characterized by chronic hyperglycemia. Many kinds of hormones work together and affect each other, so imbalances of other hormones can lead to insulin imbalances or insulin resistance. This may be particularly evident around menopause. During perimenopause, progesterone levels decline. This decline in progesterone affects insulin metabolism and, as progesterone levels become low, one can develop a predisposition to glucose intolerance. High levels of cortisol, which is produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress, can also lead to glucose intolerance. In fact, this can lead to an unhealthy cycle, because diabetes can affect the adrenals, causing them to produce more cortisol, which in turn can worsen the diabetes condition.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Treatment Plan:
- Acupuncture point “Yi- Shu” - referred to in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as “Pancreas Point” or “Jiang Tang Xue” (Balance Blood Sugar Point), can improve islet function to help balance insulin secretion and enhance sensitivity of cell membrane to insulin to reduce glucose levels in the blood stream.
- Auricular Acupuncture with Herbal seeds works effectively for regulating blood sugar.
- Moxibustion is an effective Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy for treating diabetic foot. It benefits diabetic vascular infection or neuropathy, and helps heal skin lesions,
- Herbal formula Diabease / TNL helps ease the symptoms of diabetes.

Acne and Dark (Pregnancy) Spots
Acne is a common skin condition that can have many forms. Generally, acne is associated with the bacteria P. acnes. Although people of all ages get acne, it may seem more prominent during puberty. Increased testosterone causes the body to produce more oil, called sebum. Sebum, together with dead skin cells, clogs pores which leads to acne break outs. Metabolism plays a very important role for maintaining the good condition of the skin. The digestive function is also related with cleansing body toxins and improving water metabolism.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, acne skin conditions are actually the result of various digestive dysfunctions such as constipation, diarrhea and IBS. Skin also reacts negatively to the use of alcohol, nicotine, drugs or other chemical products.
In the treatment of acne, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs can balance abnormal hormone levels, aid internal detoxification, strengthen immunity, help expel toxins and hydrate the skin. Based on historical tradition and ancient wisdom, Facial Herbal aroma-massage is a skin care technique used to achieve a healthy skin condition.
Pregnancy Spots and Stretch Marks are both caused by the temporary increase of melanin in the body due to the hormonal changes during pregnancy. Melanin is a naturally occurring substance in the human body. The colors of hair, skin and eyes are derived from it. A few months after childbirth, any pregnancy-related hyperpigmentation is likely to fade. The skin should resume its normal color; however, in some cases pregnancy spots and stretch marks will not completely disappear. Acupuncture is used to strengthen local blood circulation in the specific areas subject to hyperpigmentation. A blend of essential oils including lavender, geranium, lemon, and rose applied topically along with moxibustion can promote regression of marks.

Hormone Balancing Diet
Our body secretes more than 75 different hormones, each of which play their respective roles in the human body. Generally speaking, higher concentration of hormones in both males and females contribute to a youthful appearance and active lifestyle. Lower concentration of hormones generally lead to the symptoms associated with aging. The peak periods of secretion system function is between 21 and 22 years of age. Starting from the age of 25, one’s secretion of hormones decreases by 15% every 10 years. Various organs begin to age and deteriorate, with skin losing its luster and the body lacking in energy. At the age of 60, the secretion of sex hormones is only about 1/5 of the secretion when young.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and more specifically Five Element theory, a person is a unified organism of five Yin/Yang organ pairs, with relative associations such as five colors and tastes. In TCM, as well as Western Medicine, there exists a close relationship between the human body organs and hormone secretion. Nourishing our internal organs with different color foods helps to increase the secretion of hormones. Green foods, such as spinach, cabbage, celery, lettuce, leeks, broccoli, etc. benefit the liver; yellow and naturally sweet foods such as soy beans, pumpkins, oranges, lemons, corn, bananas benefit the spleen; black and naturally salty foods, such as black sesame, black fungus, black beans, mushrooms, black rice, shrimp, shellfish, etc. benefit the kidney.
Black foods help improve kidney function and strengthen bone density. They benefit the metabolic and reproductive systems, stimulate the endocrine system and saliva production, promote gastrointestinal digestion and hematopoietic function, regulate human physiological function and aid in anti-aging.
Recommended Black foods include: black sesame, black fungus, black beans, black rice, mushrooms and shrimp and shellfish.
- Black sesame: Nourishes the kidney, lung and brain, promotes hair growth and aids in anti-aging,
- Black fungus: detoxifies the intestines and enhances immunity,
- Black beans: Nourish the kidney, strengthen bones, warm the stomach, improve eyesight and vitality, and facilitate detoxification of the lymphatic system,
- Black rice: Nourishes the kidney, blood and qi and enhances metabolism.
Yellow foods nourish the spleen, enhance gastrointestinal movement and restore energy. There are many important natural hormones produces from ingesting yellow food that can help boost male and female sexual hormones, promote sexual function and enhance reproductive energy. They also benefit the skin and aid in anti-aging. Yellow food plays an important role in enhancing gastrointestinal function, warming a cold constitution, improving metabolic function and maintaining the secretion of sex hormones.
Recommended Yellow foods include: soybeans or soybean products such as tofu, kumquat, pumpkin, persimmon, lemon, bananas, quail eggs and corn.
- Soybeans: contain naturally occurring estrogens which can help adjust female hormones to alleviate the symptoms of dysmenorrhea and menopausal syndrome. They help restore gastrointestinal function and aid in the prevention of hormone-related cancers,
- Kumquat: Prevents gas, is aromatic, has a tonic effect, and helps ease mental stress,
- Pumpkin: Strengthens and boosts energy, increases metabolism,
- Persimmon: Improves spleen, lung and cardiovascular function,
- Lemon: Eliminates fatigue; promotes blood circulation, increases immunity, and delays skin aging,
- Banana: Strengthens the digestive function, improves immunity, removes toxins from the blood, and alleviates depression.
Green foods contain chlorophyll and vitamins, benefit liver health and clear the intestines to prevent constipation, reducing the incidence of rectal cancer. They also maintain the body's acid-base balance, and strengthen physical energy. Recommended Green foods include: spinach, leeks, broccoli, green basil, cabbage, celery, lettuce, and other green and leafy vegetables, etc.
- Spinach: Nourishes blood, improves symptoms post blood loss, aids in anti-aging and improves the quality and rate of cell regeneration,
- Leeks: Warm the liver and kidney, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and blood detoxification,
- Broccoli: Enhances liver detoxification, improves immune function, and reduces the incidence of breast cancer.